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'' and one for you!~ '' smiles hoseok as he handed freshly plucked flowers to a little girl

'' you're so adorable! i love kids like you '' He giggles and got up

He was once again volunteering at the kindergarten ,, he loved kids very much. he was a kind hearted human ,, well people said so.

'' Hoseok ,, mind talking it out with the new admission today? " cheered a short male who was working by Hoseok as well

'' of course not jimin ,, send them in. I will handle '' Hoseok smiles and wipes and washes his hands which were covered in dirt.

on his way to the office he grabs a bunch of flowers ,, to give them to the new kid.

'' Good morning sunflower! '' Hoseok barged into the office were a guy and a little girl stood.

His eyes were glued instantly on the cutest kid he had ever seen ,, he eeked and rushed over ignoring the parent or guardian.

The kid smiled and greeted

'' m'mia! ''  she held her hands out ,, damn this kid had manners thought Hoseok. He shakes her hand and gets up

Just for his eyes to fall straight into the guy infront of him

'' oh..oh..''

his smiled wide

'' yoongi ,, min yoongi right? '' Hoseok cheers

Yoongi ,, suddenly went red as he nods

'' yoons don't speak! he's quiet kitty " mutters the four year old.

Hoseok nods

" well i have met this kitty before ,, he's your brother? " Mia nods smiling '' he's a kitty dum dum '' Hoseok giggles

''such pretty siblings. "


'' alright ,, we are done with the tour ,, so what do you think mr.min? " Asks Hoseok ,, of course being respectful.

Yoongi nods with a thumbs up as Mia giggled.

Turns out yoongi didn't focus on anything else but Hoseok and hoseok's pretty voice.

Not that big of a deal doe.

'' okay ,, Mia tomorrows your first first day here okay? '' Hoseok smiles and looks at yoongi

'' i have shared the information with you ,, on your personal number ,, is that fine? "

yoongi nods and of course ,, yoongi did make a move.

but only in a professional way of course.

exchanging numbers only for strict information matter...right?

'' by the way– here have a bunch of sunflowers i plucked '' Hoseok hands about 2-4 flowers to Mia and then looks at yoongi giving him one as well.

Yoongi coughed slightly as he was handed the flower , he was shy ,, very shy.


'' yoons do you like hoseie hyung? " asks Mia as she sucks on a lolipop her mother gave her.

yoongi shrugs as he swings his leg on the swing they were sitting on staring at the sunflower blushing

'' Mhm ''

NON-VERBAL | SOPE , YOONSEOKWhere stories live. Discover now