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''sweet sweet sweet''

The therapist mumbled looking at hoseok's

'' i guess so. '' hoseok examined his arms
'' self harm ,, i see hoseok. " Hoseok shrugged looked down with sad eyes

'' yoongi tells me about you jung "'
his eyes shot up '' really? what–what–!? i mean ,, what '' he calms down ,, he needs to maintain his emotion

"' he feels happy ,, you're his ,, first friend perhaps. '' hoseok smiled slightly '' thank–thank you doctor ''

the guy rolls his eyes in a playful manner
'' knock it off seok ,, i am always there okay?
now "

he points at the door '' i have more appointments '' Hoseok pouts and gets up grabbing his files and reports and rushes off with a small bye slipping off his lips.

The day soon passed and another sun rose

'' good morning Mia ,, high five! ''

Hoseok lends a high five which Mia returns ,, yoongi blushed with a slight smile.

'' tata yoongi boongo! "


the hours flew back ,, the kids were now leaving for home. yoongi was late ,, very late,, every teacher had left except for..


As soon as yoongi arrived he saw no one ,, no kids ,, no Mia ,, no hoseok.
he panicked

His heart rose and he anxiously looked around.

it was pretty late ,, yoongi rushed around the thought of losing his sister made his tears flow

his voice for the first time was the loudest

'' Mia! "

'' oppa..! ''
Mia calm out running from one of the classroom ,, with hoseok behind her

hoseok smiled upon seeing the two meet , somewhat his eyes filled with tears as well.

'' hopie take care of mia..'' yoongi looks at hoseok and gets up running into the taller's arms crying loudly.

fuck this broke hoseok.

NON-VERBAL | SOPE , YOONSEOKWhere stories live. Discover now