lost in a cornfield- tommy

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'let's go on a walk!' wilbur suggested.
a string of okay and sure followed as techno and tommy nodded.

it was a cold evening, it was starting to grow dark as the three left the house. they usually walked around the village but today they went a different way. the three of them were laughing and chatting.

tommy stopped for a second, noticing his shoes were untied. he'd never really been the best at tying his shoes so it took him a little while.

he looked up again, 'okay guys sorry that took so lon-' but they were gone.

he panicked, 'guys?' 'GUYS?!' he had no idea how to get back so he needed to find them or else he was lost and he had no phone on him so it would be completely hopeless.

he tried not to cry, instead he walked forward hoping that he would see them looking for him or something. he walked for probably about 5 minutes, they were no where to be seen.

eventually he came across a cornfield, tommy felt it was a better option that the darkened forest he was previously in.

my oh my what a mistake that was.

he walked for a while, yelling his brothers names as he walked. he eventually grew tired and cold, he had little hope left, assuming he would die in that very cornfield.


'wait... wilbur where's tommy.' techno gulped. i span around quickly scanning the area but saw that he was not there.

'TOMMY?' techno shouted.
'let's go back to phil we're almost at home now, he's clearly not here.' i said.
the three of us ran back to the house, shoving the door open as we entered.
'PHIL?' i shouted.
'what's wrong?' he asked, coming from the dining room.
'TOMMYS GONE.' tubbo yelled.
'WHAT?' phil shouted.
'we were walking and we turned around and he wasn't there!' techno explained.
'oh god. he's probably freaking out.' phil said, 'okay let's go look for him, grab some flashlights and one of your jackets wilbur.' he said to me.
'my jacket? why?' i questioned.
'i distinctly remember me telling him to put his coat on and he didn't listen so he'll be freezing now it's cold out.' he explained.

we all left the house, flashlights in hand. phil explained that we shouldn't split up for any reason and to keep our phones on hand at all times. he also said that tommy was likely to have moved away from the forest so we should walk past it.

we walked for about half an hour, the sky was fully dark now. as each minute past i thought of how scared tommy must be. i remember the last time he got lost, it was only for a few minutes but for weeks after he refused to leave my side. i was terrified for what he would be like this time.

we can to the edge of a cornfield, 'god i hope he's not in here' phil said worriedly, 'it'll take us ages and he won't be able to see us either since the plants are so high.'

i bowed my head, trying to cover my terror. as i looked down i noticed a footprint. however none of us had stood there yet and the mud was wet meaning...

'GUYS LOOK!' i yelled.
we all stood looking at the footprint.
'we should follow them, hopefully they'll lead to tommy!' techno said, a hint of hope in his eyes.

we followed the trail of footprints yelling tommys name every so often.


i had been walking for hours. everything hurt i was cold and drenched since there had been a small downpour earlier. i turned around and heard a faint shout in the distance. it seemed to be coming closer but i had no idea what they were saying. it started to sound like my name but i was scared i was imagining it. i heard someone scream and then heavy footsteps. i tried to back away but tripped and fall back. squeezing my eyes shut in brace position as if i was going to be attacked.

i felt arms wrap around me. 'TOMMY!' i heard someone say. i opened my eyes to see wilbur hugging me and phil and techno crouched next to me. i started sobbing with relief. grabbing onto wilbur's hoodie, for warmth and comfort. 'oh tommy we thought we'd lost you.' he said softly. i whimpered and nodded. phil touched my arm and winced, 'tommy you're absolutely freezing.' he whispered, 'tech, pass tommy wilbur's hoodie.'
techno took it from his bag and put it over my head.


he was so cold when we got to him, he was clearly terrified.

i picked him up, and we started walking back. phil lead the way. techno stood by me and held tommys hand as he was clearly seeking comfort. we walked back as quickly as we could.

we arrived home and phil told me to put tommy on the kitchen counter top so he could see if he had any injuries.

phil looked over the boy, he was trembling, but he wasn't particularly hurt, only really a few scratches and a rather large bruise but nothing too serious.

'oh tommy.' he said comfortingly, 'it's okay you're safe now.' tommy looked at his dad, his eyes still wide and scared. 'safe?' he whispered.
'yeah mate.' phil replied, smiling kindly, 'why don't we put you to bed you look exhausted.' tommy nodded. phil guided the boy to his room, i followed as techno sat down in the lounge.

i stood by the door watching phil tuck tommy in. phil came out and closed the door, we both looked at each other and then quickly turned to the door as we heard tommy starting to cry again.

'it's okay dad, i'll go look after him.' i offered, seeing the stressed look of phils face. 'thanks wilbur, shout me if you need anything.' he said gratefully.
i walked back in to tommys room turning on my phone camera since it was pretty dark in there. he was sat up his legs to his chest, clearly terrified again.

'hey toms! what's wrong buddy?' i asked gently.
'i-i don't like the dark.' he sniffled.
'ohh okay! hmm.' i thought, 'what if we keep your door open a little?' i asked. he nodded but looked as if he wanted to ask me something.
'tommy do you want me to stay with you?' i chuckled, realising that he clearly wanted me to stay but didn't want to say it out loud. 'yes' he said nodding.

i climbed into his bed, holding him in my arms.

as he was falling asleep i whispered into his hair,

'i'll keep you safe tommy.'


another random one but i think this one turned out pretty good. i have no idea where i got the inspiration from since i don't THINK i've read one with this plot line before.

author <3

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