Chapter 17

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Cryaotic's POV


I sat down in my seat right before the bell rang because I had the advantage of my dorm room being relatively close to the building. I pulled out my laptop and pretended that I was taking notes, but I was really just trying to finish up my essay.

The professor had everyone open up their work documents that we had been making slow progress on for the last week or so. He was demonstrating what we were supposed to be working on.

This class was easy enough since it's about web design. Today was nothing more than how to do more specific edits and making the designs more appealing to a general audience. For a YouTuber, that's a piece of cake. As I finished up my essay, I began to distract myself with answering some fanmail.

Ignoring everything that had to do with my location, name, appearance, or family, I typed up some quick responses, just some sly jokes and a bit of seriousness. I went through about 20 before stumbling across one email that literally sent chills up my spine.

Last week was child's play compared to what's going to happen next. I'll see you soon.

What the hell? How did they know about that?

We did some online snooping before to make sure that no one uploaded videos or pictures of what happened to me. could they?

The bell rang and I quickly shit my laptop before hurrying out of the room, moving along with the crowd. I didn't have to think to be pushed along with everyone else, I was too distracted to do anything else anyway.

It felt like everyone was watching me. The girl laughing to her friend was talking about how stupid my shoes are. A quick glance in my direction. they aren't. Don't let your anxiety get the better of you.

Someone behind me tapped my shoulder. I quickly turned my head to look over my shoulder,"What?!"

It was _____. "Oh," she said softly, glancing at the floor. She looked rattled. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have... I just thought that... Nevermind."

She brushed her hair behind her ear and started walking faster down the hallway. "_____! I'm sorry. I...I'm not sure what I was thinking. I didn't mean to." I said, not able to make eye contact with her.

She nodded and suggested that we get to class before disappearing into the crowd.


I laid on my pathetic bed with my hands stretched over my head. I rubbed my face with my hands and groaned.

Why is so much happening to me right now?

There was too much going on right now, I didn't need all these complications. In no way possible, was I going to be able to think through it all now. I just needed to record, even if I was terrified of seeing another email or comment.

When I was finished with that, I sat at my desk and began my schoolwork.


Your POV


I paced around my room for who knows how long. Just back and forth, contemplating.

Alright. It's not that hard. Just call him. It doesn't matter what he says. It doesn't matter.

I take a deep breath and pick up my phone.

One ring.


I hear a breath on the other line. "Hello? _____?"

"Hi. I was wondering. If, maybe you wanted to go to a movie with me? Or whatever." I said quickly. Why am I so nervous?

"Yeah," Ryan said. "What was that new Marvel movie that's coming out? Doctor Strange?"

"Okay. That sounds good. So, Sunday?"

"Alright, I'll be at your dorm at 7?"


"Then it's decided. Bye _____."

"Bye Ryan."


Kiz: Hey, I'm so sorry about that. I was getting too caught up in my own life for me to even think about writing. Let alone have the motivation to do so.

This chapter is a bit short, but it's nice to finally update again.

Anyway. I am back. I'll be here more often.

As always, feel free to vote and comment what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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