Chapter 12

1.6K 65 45

A.N. Earlier I had like 37 notifications. I know that to other people that is nothing, but it makes me feel like my story is important. I'm also at 4.4K+. Yay! At 5K I'll do another giant chapter.

I also finally updated my Victubia story so check that out.

Let's start.


Your POV

I was talking to Marzia for a couple minutes. I realized who she was, and remembered that she had social anxiety. So I quietly helped her unpack her things.

Damn, she has a lot of clothes.

After packing for more than enough time we headed down to the cafeteria for a 5:26 dinner. I've gotten so used to late meals that I knew that I would be hungry around eight. Oh well. It was worth it to eat with a friend.

We stepped into the lunch line and bought what we wanted - a bowl of Mac 'n Cheese, Coke, lemonade, bruschetta, and a couple granola bars.

During the entire meal we were silent. And it was starting to eat me alive.

Maybe it's not normal to hate silence but there was no way that I could stand it for longer than a couple minutes.

Glad that I have my phone I pulled out a pair of Apple earbuds and plugged them in with one swift motion. I pressed shuffle and began to enjoy my noisy "linner".

I started shoving forkful after forkful of the cheesy nostalgia food into my mouth with, of course, the occasional sip of Vanilla Coke.

Halfway through Limelight, Marzia tapped on my shoulder. I tugged on the cord of my right earbud making it fall out.

"Are you done?" she asked.

"Yeah, umm, just give me a minute," I said in response. My phone eventually made it's way into my sweatpants pocket after I cleaned up my tray and dumped everything in the trash, remembering to take the granola bars with me.

One meal without recycling won't kill anything, right?

After a careful decision I turned the music off and tried to enjoy the walk back.

Luckily Marzia started up a conversation. We ended up sitting on a bench, talking about our favorite things, our lives, and we ended up at the topic of boyfriends.

"Honestly, Marzia, I've only had one boyfriend. We had to brake up last year because we were both going to college."

"I'm sorry, _____."

"It's alright. How were boy things for you?"

"Actually, not many boys liked me. Well, until puberty took it's toll. My friends were so jealous of me."

"Then you found Felix."

"Then I found Felix."

Our talking continued for quite a while but it was getting late.

"Hey, do you want to go back to our room?" I asked her.

"Yeah," she answered, yawning,"It's getting late."

As usual I stayed up later than I probably should've. Marzia fell asleep around 9ish. Then there I was on my computer rewatching Cry's play through of The Cat Lady until 3.

I was woken up about half an hour later by some yelling and screaming.

Great, it'll take at least another hour to fall asleep.

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