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(Y/N) came to after an unknown duration of time. She didn't know where she was or what happened after she got knocked out. Though, she couldn't see and realised that someone placed a bag over her head.

Another issue was that her arms were chained and locked behind some kind of metal pole. Caitlyn can be heard grunting as she attempts to slip out of her chain bindings, struggling to do so. "I knew it was a mistake trusting you!" she shouted at Vi behind her.

Vi: "You've been a real picnic yourself."

Caitlyn: "I'm not the one who walked us into, not one, but two of Silco's traps."

Vi: "This isn't Silco, it's someone else."

(Y/N) decided to speak up, "It's the Firelights. I've worked with their leader before when I was investigating in the Undercity. They helped me and I helped them. That was the deal. But now I don't know what they're after. The only thing I know for sure is that they aren't here to kill us."

Vi: "If they wanted us dead, we would be already."

Caitlyn: "Oh, very nice. When were you planning to tell me that your lunatic sister works for him?"

Vi: "Just as soon as you came clean about what the hell you're really doing down here."

Caitlyn: "I told you the truth!"

(Y/N): "Caitlyn, you didn't even tell me. You said you were just down here to get to the bottom of who attacked the Hexgates and who was responsible for the bombings that night. So what the fuck was that glowing stone?"

Caitlyn sighed in defeat before the metal doors creaked and opened up. Someone walked in before the two of them can hear Vi struggling against them, "Hey, stop! Get your hands off of me!" 

Before (Y/N) or Caitlyn could say anything, they had already taken Vi and left, closing the door behind them. "Shit, Caitlyn. Just... shit! Was the glowing stone the thing Vi's sister took during at bombing? What even is it? You have a lot to explain!"

"What, like how you explained your disappearance for 8 months?! Maybe my mother was right!"

Caitlyn shut herself up as she realised what she said, shocked as she dropped her head, ashamed she even said those words. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-- I... I'm sorry."

(Y/N) remained quiet, hearing Caitlyn say that hurt more than it really should have. "I just... I wanted to protect the only person I care about. And after the person who hired me got killed, I couldn't stop thinking about what could happen to you if they got to you. I got scared, Caitlyn."

She wanted to just tell her that she loved her, that if she was gone, she wouldn't have been able to keep ongoing. But from the situation they were in, it wouldn't be a good time. "(Y/N)... I-- I didn't mean what I said, truly. I wasn't lying, I'm here to investigate the attacks. It's called a gemstone, Jayce developed it to make the power source of all Hextech safer. With enough knowledge, someone can build any Hextech device. I should have told you about it, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. So, I'm guessing we have to get it back to Piltover and back to Jayce as soon as possible."

"Yes. We got our evidence and now all we need to do is to get back to Piltover with Vi and the gemstone. You want to use your powers to get us out of here?"

"Already ahead of you." (Y/N) ripped the lock off chains before removing the bag from her head, quickly helping Caitlyn before the door opened up. 

"I see you already got yourselves out. Vi tells me I can trust you, and judging from the fact that Ms Jones is helping you, she trusts you too." Ekko said as Vi stood behind him. "You were following us the entire time, why didn't you just talk to us?" (Y/N) asked while Caitlyn got back up.

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