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"Gooooood moooorniiing, Caesar-chan! Are you ready for a new, fresh, totally not depressing for me, day!?" Joseph ran into the room, seeming happy...

Oh who are we lying- that bastard was nearly crying his ass off. Seriously, the day just started! What's his problem? (me to myself almost every morning #goals💪)

Well anyways, wether Caesar noticed or not didn't really matter. If he did, he just wasn't showing it. If he didn't, well, that's even better... For Joseph, that is. He wasn't quite the type to.. freely express himself- let alone his feelings. He'd show unironical negativity only if it's something really bad. (*a distant SHIIIIZAAAAAAAAA!!! in the back*)

You could nearly say the same for Caesar. But he didn't show his emotions at all. When he did- it was mostly to himself or JoJo. And by to himself, I mean writing. Sure, maybe it was shitty, but it helped. See, Caesar had recently started a diary. No one knew about it, of course.

"JoJo, are y- I mean, what the fuck? Why'd you swarm in like that!?" Joseph stood still, before his face lit up. "You care about me, don't you? Ha! Don't think I can't recognize a tsundere when I see one! Smug bastard!"

"No, this isn't what... Actually? Nevermind. My time is not worth arguing with someone like you." Caesar crossed his arms, receiving a pout from Joseph. (like son like father ig‼️)

"Fiiineee.. OH RIGHT! Lisa Lisa told me to get you!" He glanced over at the clock. "OHHH NOOOO!!! We're gonna be late!! Hurry up, we need to be downstairs in five minutes!"
"Okay, okay, shut up! Stop yelling.." Caesar stared at him in disbelief. "Okay! I mean- okay. I'll be waiting in front of your door, Caesarino!" Joseph winked, quickly closing the door behind him.

Caesar walked over to his dresser, grabbing a casual T and pants. But one thing was missing... Where was his bandana? He checked every drawer, night stand and corner of his room. It just.. disappeared! Well, he'll look for it later. What mattered at the moment is that he needs to get downstairs on time. Two minutes, that is.

He rushed down the stairs, being greeted by Joseph. And he was holding a.. fairly familiar object. "...JoJo?" "Yes?" That dumb, fucking smile. He knew what he was doing. "What'cha got there, JoJo?" Caesar peeked behind Joseph's back. "Well, what do you think, Casanova?"


Time skip brought to you by Killer Queen... That doesn't sound right hold up..

Training ended for the day, and the boys plopped back in their beds.(wait is that the right phrasing-? eh, yk what i meant so nvm)


Caesar shifted to his side, now only a few inches away from the other. "Are you.. uh.. feeling okay? I mean, you weren't quite, uh, yourself this morning.. I think.. And don't you dare put that 'tsundere' shit on me, I swear to-" Joseph jumped onto Caesar, hugging him by the waist. Well, that's new.

"What are you doing?"
"Shut up, Caesar.. Yeah, I'm not feeling that well.. So what?" He held back sobs, voice cracking the whole way. "What's been bothering you? You haven't been yourself this morning, or in training.. You tripped on every fourth rock we've encountered..."(get it? cuz mista hates the number.. i'll stop)

"I-I... I guess.. That I'm nervous about, um.. sniff.. Fighting against the PillerMen.. 'Cause, like, what if I don't get to them on time? What will I feel? Will it be a s-slow death? An instant one? No, it's probably gonna melt my insides.." He tightened his grip on Caesar, letting small tears fall. "Joseph..."

Caesar returned the tight hug, biting his lip nervously. What is he supposed to say to that? He couldn't help his own feelings completely, what does he do with the other's? He'll probably regret it later, but now, he has to speak from the heart. Caesar took JoJo's face gently, lifting it up and kissing his forehead. Setting his head back, he started playing with Joseph's hair.

"Listen... I'll do whatever it takes to help you get those antidotes, alright? And then, we go to Kars and beat his ass. Yeah?"
"...Yeah.. Yeah, that's exactly what'll happen.. But.. Can you promise it? Y'know, just so I can be sure.."
"...I promise you, JoJo. After we defeat those idiots, I'm taking you on a tour of Venezia. How's that sound?"

"That sounds great, Caesarino.."

Shortly after, the boys fell asleep.

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