Girl Meets Worries

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Riley's POV.

Riley: (walks in circles) I tried everything and she still won't talk to me

Lucas: Maybe you just have to give her some time

Riley: How Lucas?! She's my best best friend

Lucas: Even best friends need some space once in a while

Riley: Yeah but his isn't like her, Maya never shuts me out like this and..

Lucas: And what?

Riley: She dropped some sketches and when I picked them up I noticed they were all from me

Lucas: Maybe that's why she's avoiding you, maybe she's planning a surprise for you

Riley: You think so? I do love surprises

Lucas: See nothing to worry about

Riley: There's something else

Lucas: What?

Riley: I saw Maya's wrists

Lucas: And?

Riley: They had cuts all over them

Lucas: What?! that's heavy

Riley: What do I do?

Lucas: Have you talked to your parents?

Riley: Not yet

Maya's POV.

Shawn: So whats going on?

Maya: (Sobs) Things aren't going well with Riley...

Shawn: What? How come?

Maya: I.. I don't know..

Shawn: I think you do

Maya: Fine I do but I don't know how to tell you or anyone for that matter

Shawn: Just try it, spit it all out

Maya: Riley and I have been best friends ever since we were little and the older we get the more I feel like.. like things are changing.. I'm changing

Shawn: So? That's not a bad thing, is it?

Maya: Yes it it, because she's not. I like Riley, I always have but I never knew how. Remember when Riley and I both liked Lucas. I think I only liked him 'cause I didn't want her to be with him. And when I thought I was in love with Josh it was because he reminds me so much of her..

I like Riley

Shawn: You like Riley? As in..

Maya: I have feelings for her, yeah

Shawn: Oh wow eh I'm not sure what to say

Maya: I don't know how to handle it, Riley is going out with Lucas and it hurts me. I want her to be mine

Shawn: Here's an idea, talk to her

Maya: I can't, it'll ruin everything and like I said, she's with Lucas

Shawn: I'm sure she'll understand, she's your best friend

Maya: I can't look at her without wanting to kiss her..

Shawn: Talk to her

Maya: But what if it'll ruin everything?

Shawn: Riley loves you Maya, she won't leave you

Maya: What if she will, I can't lose someone else I love (looks up with tears in her eyes)

Shawn: She won't leave you (hugs Maya)

I can't believe how brutally honest I'd just been. Somehow Shawn knew exactly what to say to make me open up. Somewhere it feels kinda relieving to finally open up about the things that are going on in my life. Though Shawn is right, there is only one person I truly need to open up to.

Riley's POV.

Riley: Mom, dad things aren't going well with Maya and I'm worried.

Topanga: Hunny, I told you some things aren't so easy to talk about

Riley: Maya hurts herself, I saw it with my own eyes

Corry: What?!

Topanga: Are you sure?

Riley: Yes, she has cuts all over her wrists

Topanga: That's serious Riley, I'm glad you told us

Riley: Please don't tell Maya I told you..

Corry: Sweetie if we wanna help Maya we're gonna have to tell her..

Riley: But things are already not going well, I don't want it to get worse..

Topanga: It won't, I promise. If we talk to Maya we can convince her to get help

Corry: And maybe she'll be mad at first but in the end she will understand why you told us

Riley: (sighs) Alright..

I hope mom and that are right, the last thing I wanna do is drive her away further. But she does really need help. I keep thinking about how she had tons of cuts on her wrists. A little silence has fallen. We're all caught up in our thoughts when suddenly the door swings open.

(Maya comes in)

Riley: Maya!

Maya: Bay window, bay window right now!

Riley: Okay

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