A/n (again)

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hey luvs! so sorry for not updating, after this i probably wont have a lot of time to update for a couple days, i have been super stressed lately with schoolwork and some people who i thought were my friends but really were super fake, anyways, dont worry about me, ill be fine! i just wanted to tell you so you knew! 

-also, question of the day-

how do you entertain yourself when your bored?

-bonus question since im quite bored myself and will probably work on the next chapter soon-

what is your favorite song? (or top 5, i know how hard it is to choose just one favorite) because i need to.....broaden my musical horizons ;) (extra credit points to you if you get that reference)

have a lovely day/night/wtv it is for you! bye luvs <3

(sorry again! ill update as soon as i can, promise)

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