Leaving for New York

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Santana and Brittany were best friends for 2 years before they became girlfriends. They had been together for 2 years now, but their relationship had recently become rocky. They had graduated in the last few months and Santana was ready to move to New York, leaving Brittany behind in Ohio. Santana wanted her to come with her, but Brittany had recently landed a dance teacher job at McKinley which was a dream job for her. There were more opportunities in New York for Santana than in Ohio. She wanted to be a singer, an actress...famous. She wanted to be famous for her talent. New York had lots of opportunities for this dream to become true, even though it meant leaving Brittany behind. They would be 8 hours away from each other for the first time in 4 years. Santana and Brittany had been living with Brittany's parents for the last 4 months after graduating.

Present day -

"I'm all packed, my plane leaves in 2 hours so I better get going to the airport soon. I can't believe this is happening. I'm going to miss you so much" Santana said to Brittany whilst wiping a tear and holding her hand. Brittany swallowed the lump in her throat. "This hurts, but we're going to make it work, San. We've both got our dream jobs, just in different states. If we're meant to be then the long distance won't affect us. I'm so proud of you and everything I know you're going to achieve" replied Brittany, her voice cracking from holding back sobs.

They embraced each other in a tight hug. "I'm just glad you won't be alone. I'm so glad you're living with Tina and Quinn, I don't think I could move knowing you'd be alone. No city or job would ever be worth that" said Santana.

Brittany nodded in reply. "Same with me, I'm happy you're going to live with Mercedes and that you will have other glee guys out there with you. I just hate all of this though, San. I'm going to visit every month, and even more once I start getting some wages. I'll call you everyday" she said, no longer able to hold back the tears. They squeezed each other tight in a hug and let the tears flow.

"You ready?" asked Mercedes as she sympathetically stroked Santana's arm. "No, but yes. I need to just go before I change my mind. This is harder that I ever thought it would be" Santana replied. Mercedes hugged Brittany and said their goodbyes.

Santana put her suitcase in the trunk of the cab and walked back up to Brittany. She wiped Brittany's tear, hugged her tight and kissed her meaningfully. It would be a while until they would do this again. "I love you' sobbed Brittany. "Not as much as I love you" replied Santana. They shared a sad smile and Santana got into the cab with Mercedes. Brittany waved as she watched the cab disappear over the brow of the hill.

Santana sat in the cab silently crying. She rarely cried, but when it came to Brittany she would always show her vulnerable side. Mercedes reached out for her hand and held it tight. "It'll be okay. You guys are meant to be. I mean come on, you're Brittana! It will get easier Santana, let's just get to New York and go from there. One step at a time" she said, smiling softly to which Santana unenthusiastically nodded. 

She unlocked her phone and texted Quinn.

Santana: Hey Q, hope you're okay after our goodbyes yesterday. Miss you already. Can you please check on Brittany for me and just keep her company? I know she's moving in with you and Tina in a couple of days but I don't want her to be alone in the meantime x
Quinn: Hey, I'm okay, just missing you too. Sucks. But yeah, of course I'll keep an eye on Britt. Don't worry about us, we'll be okay and I know you'll be okay too. Finn and Sam will pick you up from the airport. Safe flight x
Santana: Thanks Q. Text you when we land x

They soon arrived at the airport, got checked in and after an hour or two of waiting they got seated on the plane. A long 8 hour flight lay ahead of them.

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