Spoiled Rich Girl

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"Wow." Her Aunt exhaled and took a sip of her iced tea. Miabella pouted and nodded, looking down at her half eaten chicken thigh.

"So she didn't even mention it to you?" Her Auntie asked. "Anything?"

Miabella shook her head. "No."

Her Aunt gave her a look of pity as she took a bite out of her chicken leg.

After her Aunt had taken her around the mall, practically offering to buy her anything that she looked at, Miabella decided to ask her Aunt about what she and her mother had talked about, and to tell her that she didn't know about it.

Miabella shrugged her shoulders and meekly smiled. "She nagged at me for not being a proactive teenager that day and... and then dad just came home with the tickets."

"Oh." Was all that her Aunt could say.

"Mom said to help you in any household work and not to act like a brat, but that's it." Miabella added. "She didn't say anything about being your assistant. She said to 'have fun in the sun! Enjoh the weather! Indulge in the food!'.... but really-"

"She wants you to work." Her Auntie finished her sentence, and Miabella nodded.

Her Auntie looked at her, and Miabella stared back. It was silent for a couple of seconds, and then her Aunt looked like she was about to say something, but she was interrupted by her cellphone.

"Hello?" She promptly answered, getting up from her seat and cleaning up her food. Getting the sense that her Aunt was in a hurry, Miabella cleaned up after herself as well and gulped down the last sips of her drink before chucking it into the trash.

Following her aunt out of the restaurant, she asked why she was in a hurry.

"Sorry our lunch date is cut short, Miabella." Her aunt gave her an apologetic smile as she got into her car, and Miabella followed suit.

"There's an emergency at work;" her aunt explained as she buckled up her seatbelt and started the car, "your uncle is having some investors come over at the training centre, and they are requesting for me to be there."

"Oh.. okay." Miabella nodded her head, understanding the urgeny of the situation.

"I'm really sorry, Mi. It's just that we've all practically been on call because in a couple of months, we'll be launching an artist, and-"

"I get it, Tita." Miabella nodded her head and smiled. "Mom and dad have these kinds of emergency meetings all the time."

Her Aunt looked at her questioningly. "Are you sure? You're uncle will understand if I'm a little late. I can drop you off at home so you can get settled-"

Miabella shook her head once again. "No, Tita; investors are waiting for you at the company; I took business, I know how much of a priority they are. I'm fine, really. I got plenty enough rest on the plane, and... I want to see the company. It's been a while."

Her Aunt nodded gratefully. Giving Miabella a stressed smile, she started backing out of their parking spot.

It was a quick drive to her uncle's company; about fifteen minutes.

Right after Miabella was born, her uncle's business had skyrocketed to the top of the food chain and engulfed over sixty percent of the Philippines' music industry, and at around the same time, an old abandoned furniture warehouse was scheduled to be torn down; the exterior aesthetics of the building was grimy and not up-to-par with the rest of the modern buildings being built.

The company was looking to expand and grow their business, and the government was reluctant on spending so much money to demolish the warehouse, so their family stepped in.

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