Chapter 11: All The Blame's On Me

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Ed and I got off of the London Eye and it felt good to be back on the ground.

We walked towards the parking lot when Ed suddenly stopped. He turned towards me and said, "You and Harry are the only ones that know about my little crush and I'd like it to stay that way. I'm trying to get over it as fast as I can. I promise."

"Alright. Will do. I'm sure you'll find a girl that loves you as much as you love her one day."

Ed smiled at the ground, "I hope so."

"Well we should get going now," I suggested. Harry's been waiting in the car for about an hour now. I'm sure he's getting impatient now.

"Alright. I'll text you later. Bye Megan. I hope you feel better."

"Thanks," I smiled. Ed walked off in the direction of his car and I walked towards Harry's car.

I got in the car and Harry immediately asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just got a little scared."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, can we just go home? It's been a long day."

"Sure thing babe. You just relax."

"Thank you, Harry. I love you."

Harry backed out of the parking spot and then drove off. I pulled my phone out and decided to surf the internet.

I glanced at article after article of the latest gossip of seemingly every celebrity there is.

I got to an article that caught my attention because it had Harry's name on it. I read the headline, "Harry Styles' girlfriend's ex best friend commits suicide."

The wording threw me off. Ex best friend? Ashley was my best friend. Not my ex best friend.

I continued reading.

Harry Styles' girlfriend, Megan Hall, is rumored to be cutting so how did she handle receiving news that her ex best friend, Jennifer Young, committed suicide?

I dropped my phone on my lap and continued to stare forward. The tears started building. Harry looked over at me confused, "What's wrong?"

"Jenn..." I started.

"What about her?" Harry asked for more detail.

"She committed suicide."

"You're kidding! Just today?"

"I don't know when but this article assumes that I already know."

"How the hell do they even find out about this kind of stuff?" Harry shouted.

"I don't know. Maybe it started as a local story and then it just spread from there. Maybe it says in the rest of it. Hang on."

Our sources say that she has no new scars so she either doesn't know yet or she doesn't care. No one will ever know for sure which it is but we're going to go with she didn't know.

We got our hands on Jennifer's suicide note and the main reason she did it was because of Megan. You see, Megan was dating this boy and Jennifer stole him from her. Megan stopped talking to both of them. Then a few months later, he dumped Jennifer and went crawling back to Megan. She refused though.

Jennifer tried to get back with this guy but he said that he couldn't because he was in love with Megan. He walked, yes walked, all the way to Pennsylvania to try and win her over.

He was drunk the entire time though so he got there months after One Direction was gone and thought nothing of it. The police got hold of him and took him to the same rehabilitation center that Megan was at.

They Don't Know How Special You Are *Sequel* (A Harry Styles/One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now