Chapter 11

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Irene sighs, a headache already pounding in her head after barely half a day. She can't help it as she has to be near Miria and Galatea. At least Miata is riding beside her, engrossed by a book Miria got her.

Seriously, she gets along great with the Phantom and Tabitha, but every time they are close to Galatea, they soon get unbearable with all the touching and whispers that they think the others can't hear... it's in time like these that she understands Yuma's disgust at people in love.

Another sigh leaves her lips but then her musings are interrupted by her annoying voice. "Hey, Ire, are you sad Teresa is away?"

"Remind me why did we bring her?"

A suspire behind her turns into a sharp gasp that the elder doesn't want to investigate, but the slap she hears brings a smirk on her lips. "I don't know. She just tagged along."

"Aw, come on! You love me!"

Immediately Irene tells her, "Shut up, demon. Soon we are going to witness the cadets' enlistment, I want all of us to be on our best behavior. Am I understood?"

From her side, Miata chirps, "Yes, aunt Irene."

A smile ghosts on her lips and she glances at the child saying, "I appreciate it, Miata, but I was mostly thinking about your Mommy. From you, I just need you to emulate Miria."

The girl nods, returning to her book.

Irene takes a deep breath, thinking she got a moment of reprieve... but then Galatea starts talking directly to her.

Thankfully, their journey quickly reaches its end or they might have gone back to their hideout with one less person.

Before they have to reach the Commander behind the stage, Irene and Miria leave the other two at the gates. She looks around and almost smiles when she sees Krista, Ymir and the rest, but a frown briefly crosses her face when she notices Annie in the midst. She likes the kid, but she sees there's something that weighs on her shoulders, yet Irene knows that forcing a matter would be worse than letting her come to them.

Miria raises an eyebrow, questioning, but she just shakes her head.

"Miss Irene!" A small voice calls out for her.

The woman turns her head slightly then dips as she finds Krista looking up with a bright smile. The corner of her lips twitch up in response and while she passes by she gently grabs the girl's shoulder and squeezes it before letting go. A different pair of blue eyes don't go ignored as Irene easily finds Annie watching them with a foreign expression on her face.

But they are kind of on a schedule, so Irene has just enough time to nod her head at her before she and Miria meet Smith behind the stage.

"They seem ready, Commander. What about you?" Irene asks looking deep into his eyes, finding a determined glint in them, accentuated by the torches nearby.

"Ah, you must be Irene." He walks up to her with an affable smile, then he takes a deep breath before he says, "Even if I wasn't, I must. Wish me luck."

They bow their heads and then they step aside, watching him walk on stage. "You may be right on this one, Miria."

In all response, her colleague smiles while they both go to listen to him.

He stands tall, with his hands behind his back and a newfound sternness falls on his face. "I am Erwin Smith, the Commander of the division of the Survey Corps. Tonight, I'm going to show you what it would entail your potential enlistment in the Scouts. With the last attack from the Titans, you must have realized how dangerous they are and how limited our own forces are."

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