Chapter 15 - Decisions, Decisions...

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Teresa hovers over Irene's limp form and then she sighs, shaking her head with a tired smile. "How is she?"

Looking up, she finds Historia wringing her hands together while she's focused on Irene.

"She's alright... mostly. These last two days were a little too taxing for her. If she rests enough, she will be back in no time. You needn't worry, not for her."

"I thought she was dead..."

Cringing, Teresa nods. "Yeah, our bad. She wasn't dead, but she got quite injured and we were quite upset by that. Usually she doesn't jump into the line of fire..."

"What about fainting in your arms?"

She snorts and brings a hand to cover her mouth before she shakes her head. "No, that was the first time and she's going to get an earful for once. I'm supposed to be the one to get in trouble, in the relationship." Sighing, she stands up. "I'm going to stretch my legs, do you want to stay here for a minute or two? She's not going to run away... I think. I'll even check on Ymir's 'ascension'."

"Yes, thank you." The woman pats her head and when she's alone, she kneels grasping a limp hand. "Thank you, Irene..."

Beneath her, the woman stirs and Historia hears her mumbling, "Clare..." she sighs and squeezes her hand before she grumbles, "the things we're doin' for you..."

She smiles and replies, "Must be someone really special if you are all trying to help her."

"You don't know the half of it, Historia." Looking up she watches as Miria kneels on Irene's other side. "Maybe once things calm down a little, we can tell you our story."

"Will it explain how you are able to fight titans without ODMs?"

The sad smile she gets tells her everything. "And not only that, kid. Now, Ymir is almost there, you can go."

At first Historia is... hesitant, but then she squeezes once the hand in hers and stands back up, joining the others watching over her paramour.


Looking down, Miria watches Irene stirring so she leans down near her ear and suppresses the smirk seeing the tip twitching. "You have to rest, friend, Teresa is still steaming."

With a sigh, Irene groans and stills.

"Good girl." Miria almost laughs at the crease on her forehead, so she looks out of the wall.

It's eerily calm and if she were a lesser warrior she would be fidgeting, instead she's as still as a statue while she hears the conversations nearby.

When Teresa comes back, she's focused on Braun and Hoover who are talking with Yaeger, something tells her she should get ready for anything.

"Do you see what I'm seeing?"

Sighing, Miria nods. "Did Irene give you orders before she passed out?"

"Just to watch out for Ymir. She feels like they will try something and this is a good moment. No one would predict it."

With a nod, both women move their hands closer to their swords ready to intervene. Get away from them, kid.

"Shit! Get out of there!" Teresa shouts as they see Mikasa attacking them both.

Lightning momentarily blinds them all and Teresa throws herself down to cover Irene and keep her grounded just when a strong gust reaches them.

Miria doesn't waste any time and starts running towards them, but she changes course when she sees Historia falling, diving and catching her before she falls down the wall.

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