Chapter 10

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"Tada." Mika stood on his room's door with both hands in air.

Trio was still at loss as thay have never seen someone dress like that. They had no words to express their thoughts.

"Tell me how do I look. huh? hum?" Mika once again asked standing in front of them wearing a loose rob, twice of his actual size with it sliding down his laft shoulder. His black long hairs lossen, free from any ties,or suport of jwellery. Eyes without kajal and face without any trace of makeup, only a light lipbame over his rossy lips was enchanting his face like a goddess asending from heaven having innocent, pure and childish glow on his face.

They were still shocked and mesmerized by the beauty standing before them. They had never imagined that a person could pull up a look like that and still look breathtaking.

But to Mika's poor luck none of them is going to praise him for his looks as they knew he would be over the cloud nine after hearing and might as well as kill one or two guards and servants at that.

"Cough, cough." Xichan fake coughed to gain everyone's attention, he was embarased as the empress was standing there with her loose rob sliding down her left shoulder, perfectly showing her flawless milkey skin and alluring collerbone, showing her innocent smile compleatly unawere of her appearence.

Xichan's cough successfully gained other two's attention. Both turned their heads to him, following his gaze they saw Mika in that condition, their eyes widened in shock.

They noticed the single thing that they didn't before which left their face heating up.

Long Xin got up, held Mika by his arm "Hey! What are you doing? Leave me?" Mika protested, throwing punches on him with his other free arm. But how can a born lazy person compare to a active, trained worrior in strength. Mika's protest couldn't bring any harm to Long Xin.

Long Xin pushed Mika in his room and ordered Su Mei " You, assist her to dress. Do not let her dress like this ever again."

Su Mei couldn't react on these turn of events, just a second ago the crown prince was sitting there like he didn't care and here he is taking action before anyone could react.

Not having his order preceded Long Xin roared on the attendant "What are you doing standing here? Didn't you hear me?"

Su Mei got her senses back at once , she quickly came forward "I am sorry, your highness. I will do as your highness has ordered." She hurridly got inside the room and closed it behind, not wanting to be target of Long Xin's outburst.

"What was that? did your possessive son instincts kicked in?" Han Zhi asked playfully, placing his arm over Long XIn's shoulder.

"Nothing." Long Xin removed his uncle's arm from his shoulder and got back on his seat where he was sitting till now.

"I don't think it was just 'Nothing'." Xichan said pressing word nothing to make it carry weight.

"Yeah, see Xichan also agree with me. Now be honest, you know that being dishonest and lying doesn't suit your personality." Han Zhi said looking staight in his naphew's eyes which later didn't meet.

"It was nothing. Just, as empress, this kind of behavior and clothes shouldn't be weared by her. It will bring disgrace to the royal family." Explained Long Xin himself to the two persisting man, not meeting either of them's eyes.

"Oh, for royal family's image. So it was like that. Okay, I will belive you. It's not like you would do anything as a son. Yeah I will take that." Han Zhi said, openly implying of not accepting his naphew's excuses.

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