Ch 16

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The next morning.
I woke up with a pounding headache but then I remembered all of the following night’s happenings.
I went to take a shower and when I was out I changed into some pink velvet sweatpants and a gray hoodie.
My hair was in a towel and I chilled in my room.
Then I heard a knock on my door.
“ Zia, someone is here for you.” Ryder says.
“ Tell Marco to go away” i said,
I was laying down and I had a hangover and I was in no mood to deal with him.
Then someone opened my door and i yelled “ GET OUT PLEASE”
“ I need to talk to you please” I heard a familiar voice but I didn't know who it was.
I sat up and I saw the woman from last night, the one with the gorgeous blue-white eyes and the white hair.
She looked young.
“ Listen, I don't want to hear anything. And i don't want to talk”
“ Please-”
“ You can leave an address and a number but I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone. I’m sad and i feel betrayed and i'm hungover”
She sighs and she looks sad. Then she writes something down and leaves it on my desk.
“ Please give me a chance” she says then she leaves.

Two weeks later.
( It’s still Adenzia’s pov)
I’ve been doing online school and I've been getting into more and more fights.
Then I finally told Ryder and Esma about what happened.
Then Ryder came home with a bloody lip. I found out he fought Marco.
 Weird thing is that he didn't even fight back but it was Cole who made Ryder’s lip bleed.
I haven't even gone on my phone. I probably have way too many missed calls and text messages from both of them.
I groaned. I miss him but he betrayed me and he’s putting me in a tough situation.
I’m finishing a chemistry project from mr browns class and ryder bursts through my room.
“ You need to talk to them,” he says.
“ What?” I ask  confused.
“ Your family. You have a chance to meet them and try to work these things out. “
“ They left me when i was four years old Ry,i don't even know them”
“ What if you’re wrong or something? What if they never left you and you're hating them”
“ I don’t hate them. It’s just difficult to  try to talk to someone and they abandon you. “
“ Listen If I had a chance to Meet my dad before he died,I would and I don't even know him, but I do know that if you don't know the story then you should give them a chance to explain”
I take a deep breath “ You're right. I’m going to call them and meet them and try to talk things out with them but If they did leave me then i’ll leave them”
He smiles “ You're strong. Don't ever forget that”
“ I know. Now where's Esma?”
“ At work.”
“ Oh yeah she works at that one rich restaurant, uhh,The golden scar?”
He nods.
“ I still can’t believe that she stole 5 bottles of champagne and lots of food from the gala”
He laughs “ It's Esma. What do you expect?”
After laughing my ass off I got dressed and texted  the lady who gave me her number.
Hey, it's Adenzia  and I want to meet up with you to talk.
She responded immediately 
Of course. Meet me at the rose bakery.
I left and Ryder wished me good luck.
I drove to the rose bakery. And holy shit my family must be rich.
I see her and she waves at me.
Be nice. I wave back.
I go over to where she’s sitting and I sit down.
I feel my heart racing and I begin fidgeting with my red shirt.
“ So…” My voice trails off
She looks like she wants to pass out and I could tell she feels nervous.
“ Can you explain? Why did I grow up in foster care and why did you abandon me?”
 She takes a deep breath “ We didn't abandon you. You were kidnapped and we thought you were dead until a few years ago. Someone told me they saw you and then we’ve been trying to find you.”
What the hell? I don't say anything and I let Her continue.
“ You were four years old. It was yours and Selena’s birthday and I just put you guys to sleep and then an hour later the house alarm goes off and someone broke in and took you, they tried to take selena too but I hit him and then he shot me in my stomach, I tried to save you too but I was bleeding out on the ground and selena was on the ground crying for you.”
I gulp and tears burn in my eyes.
“ You tried to get out of his arm but then he grabbed a piece of glass and cut you making you scream more”
He cut me. That's why I have a scar on my Arm.
I wipe those tears. I could tell she wasn't lying and her hands were shaking.
“ I’m so sorry” I whisper.
“ Sorry? For what baby?” She says.
Baby. She says it is so sweet and so motherly and I suddenly feel safe and I want to hug her and cry. Cry for me and everything that went wrong in my life.
I hesitated then she could tell I wanted to hug her and she went to me and put her arms around me.
Then I began  to cry and I held her tightly.
She soothes my hair and holds me and she tells me “ Shh baby, it’s okay. I’m so sorry I  couldn't protect you”
A lot of time later i stopped crying and then we ended up talking and It turns out we have lots in common.
We’re both smart,sarcastic and we have the same music taste and she loves the same food combinations as me.
“ So do I have any siblings except Selena?” I ask.
She nodded “ You obviously have your twin and you have a little brother Allesandro  I had him when you and selena were 3 and Your father and I have been wanting another baby but we’re waiting until Allesandro is about 17 or 18’
“ Now I feel bad,” I say.
“ Why?”
“ Because at the Gala someone kept calling me their cousin and I was selena and I pushed her and I yelled at her”
“ Yeah I already know. Leah already told us and we told her what happened and she understands”
“ Really?”
She nodded.
“ Okay so what about my father?”
“ He’s always grumpy and he values family more than anything in this world and his name is Lorenzo, he's a pretty chill dad and he wants to meet you. But i’m mad at him at the moment”
“ He sounds cool but why are you mad at him”
  “ He knew where you were ever since Marco told him, and he kept it from me.”
“ That's fucked up. But i guess we're both mad at the love of our lives”
“ Who are you in love with?”
“ Marco. We became friends and then we went on dates and then i found out i was in love with him the day of the gala”
“ You feel betrayed?”
I nod.
She pats my leg.
“ So anything else you want to know?’ she asked me.
I nod “ What's my twin sister like?”
“ She’s brave and smart,she’s also a good liar but she doesn't lie often. She’s obsessed with fashion and she always straightened her hair because her curly hair reminded us of you and she didn't want that so she wore makeup and did her hair making herself not look like you.”
I smile “ The next time we meet I want you to bring Alessandro and Selena. Please?”
She smiled brightly and nodded.
“ Can you tell me about Alessandro?”
“ Well he loves sports, and he’s failing all of his classes and he love teen wolf, He’s sarcastic and protective and he’s a 15 year old pothead”
I laugh and she rolls her eyes.
“ Just like his sister” i say
“ You smoke?”
I nodded “ I have really bad habits and I smoke and drink because I love the feeling. And it’s like an escape from reality for me.”
When i said that a man started Yelling at a waitress. He looked like an older version of Marco.
“ Great. That fucking asshole is here” Sophia said.
I’m not ready to call her mom.
“ Who’s that?” I ask.
“ He’s Marco and Cole’s father”
“ He’s their father?”
She nodded.
As she said that I felt  pure fucking rage Then i remebered what I said to marco on our first date,
I told him I was going to fuck his dad up. I got up and I went over to him.
“ Hey you asshole! You messed with the wrong person”
He faced towards me “ Who do you think you're talking to You bit-”
I Punched him in the nose making blood spill out. I kept punching him then Sophia pulled me away from him.
He was on the ground bleeding, then She Kicked him in his crotch.
“ Fucking bitch” She muttered.
Everybody looked away like they were scared. Scared of her and the employees just walked away like nothing happened. 
What the fuck?
But I just rolled my eyes and I grabbed a knife and I went outside, and Sophia followed behind me.
“ Which one is his car?” I asked her.
“ The Blue one” She pointed to a blue sports car.
I went up to it and I slashed 3 out of 4 of his tires. Then Sophia grabbed a rock and threw it in his windshield, breaking it.
We walked away laughing, I like having a mom.
For the rest of  the day we spent together shopping and getting to know each other.
We laughed and we just loved each other's company. 
I told her all about Marco and Esma and she wants to meet them.
But I'm nervous about tomorrow. Because I'm meeting my siblings.
When I got home Esma was there and she had a towel wrapped around her head and she was wearing a pair of black boxers and a sports bra.
“ Hey!” She said when she saw me.
I waved.
“You okay?” she asked me “ Ryder told me what happened. You met up with your family?”
I nodded “ I met up with sophia”
“ Who-”
“ She’s my mom. I found out we have a lot in common and we beat up Marco’s dad, then i slashed his tires and then she broke his window” 
She looks at me and gives me a fake smile.
“ What's wrong?” I ask.
Esma shook her head “ Nothing.”
“ Es-”
“ I’m going to go order some food. Do you want something?”
I shook my head.
She quickly hurries to her and Ryder's room and closes the door.
At that time yder went out of the bathroom his hair was wet and he was drying it with a towel.
“ Hey, do you know what's up with Esma?” I ask.
He shrugs “ I dunno she’s been acting like that ever since i mentioned you meeting with your Family”
I look at the ground. I think she feels this way because of her parents.
I never told anyone and I never will, because that was my promise to her.
I don’t think she told Ryder about her parents yet.
I feel like shit now 
“ I think it’s best if we leave her alone for now. You know how she is when it comes to her family”
He gives a sad smile.
I go into the kitchen and warm up some of the pozole Esma made yesterday.
that girl can cook.
 I ate and cleaned up then I took a shower before going to bed.
When i was in my bed about to fall asleep i was wondering why i got kidnapped when i was a baby.
Then again Marco took me to a gala for rich Ceo’s so i guess that makes since.
But I now know that he’s been working for my family’s company.
Petrova corp.
Whatever, I think we're broken up anyways. But why would he keep that from me though? I would've told him.  
I went to bed feeling sorry for myself but the feeling will wash over sooner or later.
The next morning 
I woke up to my phone vibrating and it’s a message from sophia
Are we still on for today?
I texted her back Yes 
She sent me a smiley face
Can I bring Esma and Ryder?
I want Sophia to meet the people who are my family.
Yes ofc i want to meet them 
I smile and I go and take a shower and I get ready.
Then I have Ryder and Esma get ready.
“ I feel weird,” Esma says.
“ Why?” I asked her.
“ Because that's your family and what if they don't like us? What if you leave Ryder and I for them-''I cut her off.
“ No, you have been my friend and sister for about 12 years, almost 13. And Ryder has been my brother for a long time. I will never forget you and I'll never leave you. I promise. And I already talked about you guys and i told sophia that you guys are irreplaceable and if they want me to be apart of their family then they better welcome you guys too”
Her eyes fill with ears and she hugs me.
She cries in my arms. This is different i've never seen her cry before.
“ What’s wrong?” I ask her hugging her back.
“ Nothing. These tears aren't sad tears these are happy tears” she said 
I smile and kiss her forehead.
“ Let’s go” I say, pulling her up and wiping her tears.
She laughs and mouths ‘ Thank you’
No. thank you Esma,for not leaving 
“ Now enough delaying, I wanna meet the woman who birthed you”
When we got to Ryder’s car, Ryder drove us to the rose cafe.
They both were nervous and it's weird because I wasn't.
I felt like I knew them. Like I trusted them.
We sat down at a table and I heard the bell on the door ring.
I took a shaky breath.
Sophia went up to the table with Selena and Alessandro.
Selena looked so nervous and Alessandro looked confused and he was a little high.
Ryder and Esma noticed my brother's slightly red eyes and chuckled.
“ I’m sorry that he’s a little high at the moment, I told him not to smoke in my house and he smoked in the backyard, Smartass” Sophia said and looked at Alessandro and rolled her eyes.
“ It’s okay. Were almost always high, ''I say.
Ryder and Esma shot me a look.
Oops,sorry guys 
Selena looked at us and sat down.
“ Hi,” she says nervously.
“ Hey…”  my voice trails off.
“ Man i'm starving” Alessandro says and he sits down and grabs a menu.
“ I like him,” Ryder says.
Me too.
Sophia and Selena sat down and it was awkward but Alessandro made it easier.
“ So, where did you grow up?” Selena asks me.
“ Uh,we all grew up in the downs,” I say.
“ IS there any bacon hereee” Alessandro asks.
I burst out laughing. Oh man, it's funny to see someone high.
“ Alessandro I hope you know you're grounded.” Sophia says to him.
He groans and rolls his eyes
“ He’s like this all the time,” Selena says to me.
“ I could tell”
I stare at Alessandro talking to Ryder and Sophia is talking to Esma.
They're in their own little worlds and I'm worried about what to talk about.
“ Do you have any hobbies?” I ask.
She laughs “ I uh love to collect Knives and daggers”
“ Seriously? That's so cool. You have to show me some” 
She pulls out her phone that has little pink diamonds on the case.
Then she shows me a picture of her throwing a dagger with a blindfold on. She made it in a perfect shot.
“ Holy shit. You gotta teach me that”
“ Bet”
We ordered food and Selena had practically everything in common.
We exchanged numbers and Sophia left with Alessandro and Ryder left with Esma. They wanted to give us some time to bond.
“ So? Any Boys or girls?” She asks me.
“ Uh it's complicated”
“ I've got time”
“ Okay so Marco and I were or are dating I honestly don't know anymore and he kept a huge secret from me and I don't know if i can get past that”
She nods “ So do you love him?”
“ yes. I feel like i've never felt this with anybody and he makes me smile and feel shit i've never felt before”
“ Just talk to him okay?” She pleads.
“ Alright I will” 
“ Anybody special in your life?”
She shook her head “ Nah i have way too much shit going on in my life right now and the last thing i need is a fucking relationship. And our 19th birthday is coming up”
Oh shit I forgot. My birthday is in 2 weeks and after that Ryder’s birthday is a few days after that.
April 3rd is our birthday,And April 8th is Ryder’s birthday.
“ You forgot?” she asks.
“ Shush” I roll my eyes.“ Are you mad?” 
“ About?” She asks.
“ That Lorenzo lied to you?”
“ Lorenzo?”
“ Uh our dad?’
“ OH! Uh yeah I’m mad but I don’t understand why he kept that from us”
“ Yeah me neither. But when you forgive him I’ll forgive marco”
“ Deal sis”
I smile.
I have a family
I Knew They accepted Esma and Ryder as family so that made me so much happier.
But the next person I had to meet is Lorenzo
Oh god.
“ What are you going to do for Marco’s birthday? If you're still not mad at him?
“ I dunno? Maybe forgive him?” I laugh.
I completely forgot about his birthday and I completely forgot that it’s not too long from Selena and I’s birthday.
April 27th. The one date I was supposed to not forget.
I honestly can’t wait until everything goes normal after I meet Lorenzo.
I can only hope.

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