Ch 17

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Adenzia’s Pov.
So for the rest of the week I've been spending time with my siblings and my mother.
I’m not ready to call Her mom just yet but when I’m ready I will.
But today I’m nervous, so I asked Selena to tell Lorenzo to meet me at the same cafe that I met her at.
I feel strange. Will I hug him and cry in his arms just like I did with sophia? Will I be angry he didn't try to find me his own damn self ?Will  I be calm?
I dunno but I’m ready, and it’s 2pm. He’s not late i'm just early.
Just wait 15 more minutes and then he’ll be late.
I suddenly hear the bells ring as the door opens.
I look up at the door and I see the man who looked just like me.
His sin tone was a little darker than mine and he has thick wavy hair and the same purple eyes as me.
I could tell he wasn't  the ordinary dad because he dressed like he was in his twenties.
It’s him.
My stomach  does a flip and I call him over to me.
“ Hey,Over here Purple man” I called out.
Really Zia? Purple man??
He looks at me and he laughs. Then he comes over to me and sits down.
“ HI,” I say.
“ I’m not going to lie but i could tell this is going to be fucking akward”
I laugh and he smiles.
“ True enough”
“ My names Lorenzo,” He says.
I smile “ Adenzia but some people call me Zia”
“ Which one do you prefer?”
“ It doesn't matter,but I got a few questions”
He took a deep breath “ Ask away”
“ When you found out about me,why didn't you just come to meet me by yourself and why didn't you tell Sophia?”
His eyes widen like he didn't know what to say then he eventually clears his throat and answers.
“ I was stuck in italy at the time and i didnt tell Sophia or your brother and sister was because i didn't know what to say so I arranged Marco and Cole to bring you and your friends there at the gala”
I nodded my head “ Okay I  understand but why were you stuck in Italy”
“ Just some Boring legal shit”
I laugh. He’s like the guy version of me so far.
“ But I do want you to know that I’m so sorry and you didn't deserve anything that happened to you without your family”
Tears were in my eyes. I suddenly remembered everything bad that happened to me in foster care.
He Comes closer to me and wipes the tears that fell down my cheek  with his thumb.
“ What's wrong princess?”
Princess, I felt the same way I felt when Sophia called me baby.
I hugged him and he hugged me back,
“ I’m so sorry”  Those were the only words I could manage.
“ What for?”
“ I’m being way to fucking emotional”
“ No you're not. You're just stressed and overwhelmed. You're so strong for dealing with all of this”
I laughed and wiped all of my tears away.
“ Ryder convinced me to meet you guys”
He smiles, “ Wanna talk about them ?”
Them? Oh right,Esma and Ryder. I guess Someone told him about them.
“ Uh ,I grew up in foster care and I met Esma when I was 6 years old, Then I met Ryder a few years later. Ryder was -and Is very protective over me and Esma. Esma on the other hand I’m pretty sure she’ll kill someone for me and I would the same, for the both of them.”
“ They really love you”
I nodded “ Yeah and with all of the abusive foster parents i’ve had they made it so much better and this is my first year of college and Esma’s forcing Ryder and I to go to school Even though i don't want to”
Lorenzo’s eyes darken “ Abusive Foster parents?” He says slowly.
I felt scared,not for me but for those people who hurt me, I felt sorry for them for some strange ass reason.
“ Names.Now!” He demands quietly and gets a pen and the napkins on the table.
I grabbed the pen and the napkins and I remembered every foster parent that ever hurt me and made me hurt.
After I was done he grabbed the napkin and put it in his pocket.
I took a deep breath. 
“ I’ll handle it” He says reassuringly.
I feel safe  even though most people would call him crazy.
I knew he would protect me and I knew he would protect Esma and Ryder too just like they were his own kids.
“ I’m glad I met you and Sophia and my siblings,” I say to him.
“ I’m glad I met you too, And I want you to know that your life wasn't supposed to be like this”
“ But I’m glad I was raised to be like this. I’m strong and I know how to fight,I make the smallest amount of money enough,I’m grateful for everything I have and will have,I learned what loyalty really is,And i learned respect, I grew up with hella respect from the people I know and I know for a fact If someone was good to me and I wasn't good back  then I would get my ass beat”
He smiles “ I’m glad you learned these things but have you ever had a home? And i’m not talking about your home with Esma and Ryder”
I was about to say yes then the honesty came out of me “ No. I haven't”
“ Have you ever felt safe and like you belong?” 
“ No,I never felt safe or like I belong,I always felt out of place and like a misfit” I say honestly, That was the way I used to feel but now I’m with Esma and Ryder and I know  I feel welcome and I feel like I’m safe.
 “ Exactly, If you grew up with us then you would have never felt that way”
“ -Enough with the what if’s I grew up how i grew up and that's that but i wouldn't have changed a thing to be honest.”
He looks sad now.
“ Hey don't be sad,I’m glad I’m meeting you now though. Even if I had to break up with my boyfriend for lying to me. Or I think we’re still together, I dunno anymore”
He looks surprised and links a few times “ B-boyfriend-I swear If youre dating Cole or Marco imma fuck them up”
“ Uh ya know what imma keep my mouth closed”
“ Adenzia Rosalie you better tell me right now”
 Uh what?
“ Adenzia Rosalie?”
He sighs “ That's your first name and middle name”
“ What's my full name?” I ask him with interest.
“ Your full name is Adenzia Rosalie Petrova “
I smile “ I like it better than Adenzia Romano” I joke.
He laughs.
“ So why did you name me Adenzia?”
He smiles sadly “ That was my mother’s name and she died when you were 2”
“ Oh my god i’m so sorry for your loss”
“ It’s okay but I miss her.”
We sit in a awkward moment of silence until he broke the silence
“ Okay so enough of this sad shit but Seriously who the hell is it”
“ Uh nobody” I lied.
“ Adenzia Rosalie”
I sigh “ Marco. But i punched him and then a few days ago I beat his dad's ass and then I slashed 3 out of 4 of his tires and then Sophia smashed his window with a rock”
He looks at me and laughs “ I mean you're just like your mom and I so i’m not really that surprised”
My heart warms at him saying that.
I'm just like them. That's good right? I met them and so far they're good people and they're really nice.
“ so just to let you know we're throwing you and selena a birthday party”
“ Shit really?”
He laughs “ Yeah of course”
“ Yay”
After talking for hours I realized he’s the male version of me.
So now I’m at home warm in my bed.
Then I hear Ryder shouting,Then my door opens and slams shut.
I bolt up and turn on my light then I see Cole fucking De Luca.
“ Cole get the fuck outta my room”
“ NO”
I’ve never heard Cole raise his voice at anyone,well besides when he's being extra
“ Cole-” I start but he interrupts me.
“ -No. I’m asking for you to listen to me. Okay?”
I roll my eyes “ Fine”
“ Okay so it started the day Marco first met you, He came over to my house and then asked me for help. He told me he needed to get information about you. He said that he found the long Petrova twin and I didn't believe him. Then I looked you up and found you and then I was shocked. I actually found you and your dad already knew but he was stuck in Italy so he told us to get information about you and to get to know you. I did and to be honest I was a liar and I admit it and I'm a piece of shit for lying to you. I get that But hear me out. I’ve never had friends,everyone chose Marco or I was put second and then I met you and became friends with you, And you didn't treat me like second but you treated me like you did everyone else. I’m so sorry for lying to you and everything,please forgive me”
I take a deep breath
“ Youre lucky im a very forgiving person”
His face lights up and he hugs me tightly.
“ As for Marco-” He starts
“ I’m not ready to talk to him or about him”
“ He know what you did”
I look at him in confusion. 
He laughs “ He knows what you did to our dad,Youre a fucking badass”
I laugh “ I told Marco when i see your guys dad I was going to run up on that bitch”
“ I’m glad you did it”
I smile “ Yeah.Me too
“ Enough with that! Wanna smoke a blunt?”
I laugh and nod my head.

Marco’s Pov
It’s been over a fucking week and she hasn’t even texted me.
I heard how Adenzia beat the shit outta my dad,and I laughed.
I saw how Adenzia and Cole were getting along again on his story.
I smile at least she forgave you little brother.
 Do I regret lying to her? Yes. Am I in love with her? Also yes.
But I also feel rage at the moment. Not at her. But the man who's in the gun range with me.
Max sanchez. I’ve seen him and the way he talks about his ex. He talks like she’s a piece of cake and he’s been sharing the details of how he kissed and made her moan. I just ignored him.
But now I know for a fact he’s talking about the love of my life.
“ Anyways Marco I can have that bitch Adenzia any day of the fucking week”
The anger snapped inside of me and I went up to him and I punched him.
Over and over again.
He swung a punch at me and I admit his punch is strong.but His punch aint shit on mine.
“ You’re talking about My woman.” I said through my teeth as I punched Him again. Then I pulled out my gun and shot him in the arm.
He screams in pain and He punches him and I pull him in by his collar and punches him again.
Chris pushes us away from each other.
“ Hey! you guys are supposed to be practicing your shooting skills right now. So stop fighting like fuking bitches”
Max steightens and wipes the blood off of his face “ You’re fucking dead Marco”
“ Just make sure you do it yourself little bitch” I say.
He leaves and slams the door. Chris looks at me not amused. “Seriously?”
 I was about to defend myself but he stopped me. “ That was supposed to be me. I was supposed to beat his ass. I know he used to fuck your girl but he annoys me everyday.I deserve to punch him and maybe even shoot him. Da fuq” He walks out of the room.
What just happened?
I grab my jaw and wince.
“ That fucking hurts man” I say.
Then I pull out my blade and throw it to the dummy. It aimes perfectly on the dummy’s head.
Headshot - Go Marco!
I’ve been doing this and I’ve been doing missions for the Lions making them have trust in me.
The shipment is in about 4-5 weeks from now and I think I managed to get the Lions trust.
Thank fuck.
Now as for Max,he’s going to run his mouth like a bitch saying how I kicked his ass and he’s going to make me look like the bad guy.
But in my defense he was talking about my girl.
My everything.
I’m glad she’s with her family and believe me I would  be there with her but I can’t because I fucked up big time. I miss her and the way she comforted me.
I tried to text her and call her and she hasn't responded so I think she’s ignoring me. Actually I KNOW she’s ignoring me
But Lorenzo said he’s gonna kill me. Gulp.
I mean he’s not wrong, I am a son of a bitch. “ dad”
Oh god let’s just hope Everyone starts talking to me  again.

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