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1 year later:

"Come on, that pink looks good on you!" Everest said to Liberty. It was the day. The day she will marry her only lover, Rocky. "But what if you mix the pink and that red?" Sweetie said. They were helping her get ready for her wedding. "That...could be better." Everest mixed the colors and put them on Liberty's tail. "Well, now?" Liberty looked in the mirror. She was beautiful. She wore the dress her mum gave her when she died. She had made some adjustments to it. "Wow" was all that Liberty could say. "Our job is done, Sweetie!" Everest, Liberty, and Sweetie grew a very good 'like sisters' relationship. The two gave each other a high five. "Hey you three, we need to leave in 2 minutes." Chase shouted at them. "Coming." They replied to him. They walked out of the lookout where they were getting ready. "Wow, you three look amazing!" Marshall said. Chase and Marshall said, that they were going to drive there, with Liberty and Sweetie, and Marshall with Everest. "Are you nervous?" Sweetie asked Liberty. "You have no idea." They both laughed and jumped in Chase's car. He drove down to the bridge. The girls were trying to not ruin Liberty's suit and fur from that speed. "What is this?" They all looked out of the car. There were 2 lines of police people and pups, all saluting. "They are from Central City, what are they doing here?" Chase said. To this day, no one, except Rocky knew about her father. Chase rode us to the wedding area. "Good luck Liberty." They said and walked together to sit. I was ready to go, but then. "Liberty, wait!" I turned around and saw him. My father was running to me. "Sorry I am late, just, traffic, you know?" I laughed and hugged him. "Alright, let's get going."

Liberty and her dad started walking, and the wedding music started playing. Everyone was looking at them. Some of them talk about who is the man next to her. When Rocky saw her, his tail wiggled like he was about to fly out. They walked to the place in front of everyone. Her dad sat down next to her close friends she made in Adventure City. "We now begin." The priest said. Everyone was quiet now. "Alright then. We gathered to connect these two souls together forever. Who has something about this marriage, speak now, or be quiet for the rest of your life." No one said anything. "Gladly, so, you, Rocky Parter, do you take Liberty as your wife? Are you willing to protect her, no matter what?" Liberty looked at Rocky. "I do." This was the time when everyone, except her dad, Rocky, and the priest learns her full name. "And Liberty Laufrey-" everyone in the audience gasped "-do you take Rocky as your husband? Are you willing to protect him, no matter what?" "I do." They both smiled at each other. "Okay. From the power I got, I now name you as husband and wife. You may kiss now." And with that, Rocky kissed Liberty passionately. Everyone was cheering. Everyone was happy for them. "Come here, son." Liberty's dad walked to Rocky and hugged him. 

That's all for this story! Well, the last one was the last chapter, but I said I do an epilogue so here it is! 

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