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Word count : 972

Nate and Ethan never talked much, he was a geek and Nate was a jock...that's just how things were - until Kat and Ethan started to date, Maddy and Kat were best-friends which made Ethan and Nate the best-friends boyfriends making them much more close...Nate was always super annoying and touchy when they were alone, acting like he would with McKay or any of his close guy friends, things only got complicated after the sleepover at Maddy's.

Maddy's birthday ended in a sleepover on the Howard's floor, Cassie, Kat and maddy slept drunkly up in Cassie's and lexi's room - while Nate and Ethan were stuck on the pull out couch downstairs. Ethan was wide awake - he had a boner that was keeping him up and he was anxious Nate would notice...it wasn't his fault - boys can control those things and being so close to someone you never saw vulnerable was weird, his whole vibe was just weird...

He laid quietly until he heard Nate's voice fill the dark void of the living room. "can't sleep?" He asked curiously, Nate didn't want to be here, he just wanted that tape - and if being here would convince Maddy to trust him again then so be it. "Yea...what about you" he waited for an answer. "A little homesick," he turned to face him, now that Nate was neck to him - Ethan's lanky body seemed so small, his thin silhouette in his baggy t shirt suited him - he sort of looked like Jules...He thought. As Nate scanned his body he noticed something...

Ethan eventually turned to face to Nate, shocked at how close they were - being crammed on the small futon didn't help. "How come Kat didn't come and sleep with us down here..?" He questioned before Ethan reflected. "I don't exactly see you kissing up to maddy right now~" he stayed quiet before Nate laughed. "Ahh your right..." he bit his lip before looking down at him.  "But what's that down there Ethan..? Kat not giving you enough love" Nate whispered laughing subtly - Ethan seemed shocked.

"Nothing..." he turned away from Nate know his butt facing him. "Goodnight" he said quietly, Nate moved closer to him staring down at him. "Really..?" He moved his hand across his waist and over to his boner that tented in his sweatpants."doesn't feel like nothing.." his sleepy deep voice exhilarated Ethan - he'd never thought he admit it but it was so hot, the tension settled and Ethan spoke. "What are you doing Nate...we both have girlfriends" ethan placed his hand on his wrist, feeling Nate move up against his backside, making his boner throb.

"Just let me stroke it a bit...it's not cheating - just guys helping out guys" he chuckled seductively, Ethan was stumped - the bit of alcohol in their system making the Situation more hot. "Fine..." he gave in feeling Nate's hand immediately slide underneath his pants and then his boxers, he started to stroke softly - hearing Ethan's small moans and breathes. He continued feelings Ethan's member throbbing in his hand.

"That feels good?" Nate asked with a smirk on his face. "T...that feels amazing" Ethan whined quietly trying not to erupt early, feeling close already. "W-wait...stop this isn't right..." he felt Nate's hand stop and sighed in relief, "what?you don't like this...i thought you we're close" Nate admitted. "Or do you prefer a different type of penetration..." he looked at Ethan sliding over him now hovering over him, Ethan stared up at Nate confused then he clued in. "I've never done it...that way.." Nate's smirk grew.

"I'll be gentle..." he mumbled softly before watching Ethan slip down his sweat pants looking up at Nate for him to start taking off his boner packed boxers. Ethan slowly spread his legs for Nate and watch as he moved his fingers along his thighs, and down to his entrance - Ethan's precum had already made his hole decently wet. "I'll use my fingers first, if that's okay with you?" He looked up watching him nod softly, clearly nervous but Nate found that ten times cuter.

Nate finger slowly slid inside of the warm hole of Ethan's, he began to move it slowly once Ethan got comfortable with it - he let of softly whines and whimpers not trying to let out full moans nervous someone upstairs would hear, "y..you can go faster you know;" Ethan suggested wanting to feel more pleasure. "So you like it..." snarky Nate replied speeding up his finger before Ethan could answer, he put a second finger in. Ethan felt like he couldn't control himself, it hurt so bad but at the same time his pleasure shot through the roof. "Oh fuck.." he moaned softly before Nate covered his mouth with his free hand. "Shut up or I'll make you really lose control...how're you gonna explain this to Kat..?" He laughed a bit before moving his hand - Ethan now silent.

Nate moved his fingers quickly in and out watching Ethan hold back his moans, his legs shaky and body twitching. The jock massaged his prostate softly, Ethan letting groans slip out at the pleasure and pressure he felt on his good spot. "Don't be afraid...cum~ i know you want to" he bit his lip gently caressing his thigh with his free hand, Ethan shook his head softly not wanting to cum early. "I-I'm gonna cum...I'm sorry~" he whined softly twitching a bit as he came, semen dripping down his shaft and onto his stomach- Nate filled with joy seeing him cum. "Don't be sorry...your such a good boy, now that your all ready - how about i fuck you?"

(Sorry if spelling mistakes)

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