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      Ethan had always liked Nate, he had his eye on him since he met in science class...he really never thought they'd be friends but joining football really made them closer than ever.

"Yeah I'm free this weekend" Ethan smiled at Nate who looked down at him leaning against the lockers in the locker room, towel around his waist. "Do you want to sleepover Friday...I mean I figure we have that science project and our game on Monday...we could work on both you know?"

Ethan agreed following Nate to the showers as they walked holding there towels up. "Yeah sure- that sounds..productive" he chuckled hanging up his towel next to Nate going in the group showers, it was only them in there. Ethan stood up the running water feeling Nate standing closely behind him nearly touching his backside. "The other showers aren't working...I'm not sure why?" He placed a hand on Ethan's waist gently, a smirk plastered on his face.

Ethan didn't think much of it because Nate was always touchy like this and he honestly didn't mind.
"Move give me some water" Nate chuckled pressing up against Ethan bare cock against his ass. "I-okay sorry!" Ethan sound nervous as he moved quickly making Nate cock a brow. Ethan moved over to share the water with Nate. "Got to make sure your nice and clean after football, you wouldn't want to get an infection would you?" Nate said grabbing a bar of soap.

"Wash my back will you?" Nate asked looking downward at ethan, who nodded without hesitation. Ethan began to wash his bag with a bar of soap and a loofa, Nate smiled before rinsing the soap off. "Want me to wash yours?" Ethan nodded slightly. "Oh. Uh sure" he went under the water now handing Nate the loofa and soap. He began to wash his back moving his hands lower as he did soon very close to Ethan's butt. "Your skin is so soft" Ethan's stomach did back flips as he felt Nate's hands on his sides.

"That tickles" Ethan squirmed under his touch, Nate's mind went wild- he wanted to touch him more...differently than he thought. "Cmon rinse yourself off, the teams gonna wonder why we took so long" Nate teased Ethan. "Probably because your so dirty, we can just say you were being naughty eth" he shook his head turning around to face Nate, rinsing the soap off his back. "Okay let's go" they went to grab there towels.


Ethan was waiting for Nate, he was going to pick him up from his house so now it was just anticipation just building up to see one and other. Ethan work black sweat pants and a tight grey t shirt that outlined his muscles. He looked better than he did most days, he was hoping Nate didn't notice he dolled himself up for him. Suddenly he got a text from Nate.

Ethan headed outside quickly holding his school bag on one shoulder. "Hey beautiful" Nate said jokingly, Ethan laughed softly. "fuccck off" Nate began to laugh as well. Ethan got in the car putting his bag in the back seat of Nate's truck. The drive was quiet, filled with the slow music of the smiths. "Hope you don't mind, we're gonna have to share my bed- it's king sized so...just my dad is staying in the guest room."

Ethan shrugged softly. "As long as you don't try anything" he joked but Nate just had a smirk on his face. "I won't...neverrr" Ethan laughed softly as they arrived at Nate's house. "Make sure you say hi to my parents...there very weird about showing respect to the family of the house you know?" Nate opening the door for Ethan letting him hop out of the car. Ethan clutched his backpack and headed to the front door following behind the taller male.

Ethan was greeted by the Jacobs father. "Helllo, nice to meet you Ethan - nice to meet you" Ethan reached out to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you to" they shook hands and then Nate grabbed the boys hand. "We'll be in my room.." Nate said quietly pulling ethan along with him. "Where's your mom?" Ethan said softly following behind Nate his small hand in his.  "Probably getting her nails done or some shit"

Nate opened his bedroom door revealing a huge room, or at-least huge compared to Ethan's closet of a room. "Wow.." he muttered softly letting go of Nate's hand. Nate shut the door behind him and headed to his bed. "My bathrooms right there," he pointed to the corner of the room where a door was. "And if your hungry I have a mini fridge to" he pointed to the other side of the room, where his workout bench also was.

"Your fucking loaded...I've only seen rooms like these in the movies." Ethan dropped his bag next to the bed before plopping onto it. "Heyyy, no sleeping. We have to get some science work done" Nate looked at the boy poking at his waist. "It's a sleep over- time for sleep" Ethan whined at the comfy feeling of the bed. "I want to lay here foreverrr." Nate laughed softly standing up. "Up now, then we'll rest"

Ethan sighed sitting up. "Fine I'm up" he stared infront of him to see Nate's hips, the denim jeans bulging for him. Ethan stared before looking back up at him. "What do we even have to for biology anyways?" Ethan asked before feeling Nate's hand on his shoulder. "Human anatomy,  we need to examine the human body so we can make a diagram so~" he stayed quiet"

"Lay on your stomach"  Ethan looked surprised when Nate pushed him back. Ethan flipped over onto his stomach. "U..uh why exactly?" He blushed softly feelings Nate's fingers trail along his waist pant line. "Prostate examination" Ethan's pants went down-he tried to sit up but was pushed back down but Nate's grip. "Stay still, this is for science" Ethan's fave was bright red now feeling exposed. "A-are you sure...this is necessary Nate" Ethan asked, getting an ass squeeze in response.

"Oh yeah...this is a good way to- really show our determination to our project" Ethan whines feeling Nate played and squeeze on his butt. Nate licked his middle finger before moving to Ethan's heat, spreading his cheeks and massages the hole slowly sliding his middle finger in with ease. "A...ahh" Ethan gasped at first but then a moan of pleasure came out. "You like this...?" Nate asked a sadistic grin on his face. "N..No I~ erm it feels weird" he gripped onto the sheets of Nate's bed feeling his finger go in and out.

"Your so perverse...what kind of disgusting person would get pleasure from this" Nate degraded him watching Ethan spread his legs. "I..i can't help it, Nate don't be mean" he whined feeling a boner start to form. "I'm just teasing you...but seriously- what a dirty little boy you are" he look at him, before fixing his position. "Stand on your knees" Nate held the boys hips closer to the edge of the bed, watching Ethan arch his back. "That way I can feel your prostate better" Nate began to move his one finger faster.

Nate noticed Ethan's hard on and smirked amused. "What's that..? You really are a fucking whore huh...had this done before yeah?" Ethan rested his head on a pillow given by Jacobs. "No...no~ ahh, slowly down please Nate" the boy whined as he felt his cock twitch. "Welll...i don't think I should- you clearly are liking this type of exam huh" Nate reached down beginning to stroke his cock. "N..no~ Nate I'm going to~" Ethan's back arched a loud moan was heard from him before Nate...




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