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( Cmbyn summer vibes)

word count: 1686

       The summer heat always frustrated Lexi, made her sweat till the point of damp hair. But it when it was hot and she came to the swimming creek - she loved it. The cold refreshing water slapped against the rocks in just the perfect way. But of course Nate Jacob had to ruin her secret spot. "Lexi" Nate sprawled his blanket out of the rocks that aligned the creek.

"No Cassie today?" He again spoke asking her making her slide down her shades. "Nope" she put her nose back into the book she was reading, the sheer white shirt she wore slid down her shoulder slightly. "You know you shouldn't be come here...I found this spot first" Lexi spat out looking up from her book at a shirtless sitting Nate. "You don't own spots, plus we started hanging out here around the same time."

He smiled at her before sitting close to her but still on his blanket letting his feet touch the water. "So how's your summer been...I've seen you here quite a bit" Nate watched as Lexi sat up scooting beside him putting her feet in the water aswell. "I've been doing our summer English homework- unlike some people" she looked at the careless boy, who chuckled.

"Summer reading for September" Nate half smiled before nudging her. "You want to go in the water" Lexi began to laugh fighting his gentle pushes. "Hey stop...! If you push me in I'll seriously kill you" she giggled more. Lexi was in a white bikini with a mesh long top over it, she didn't want to ruin her top but her book mostly. "You look really pretty today Lexi" Nate said seriously looking down at her. "I mean you do everyday but..."

Lexi smiled softly and interrupted him. "Thank you...I never knew you had a soft side" Nate rolled his eyes at the comment "Only for you". As the day got darker Lexi started to pack up. "You need a drive home lexi?" Nate stood up now towering over her - she nodded softly. "Umm yeah sure...if you don't mind" Lexi and Nate walked to his truck together, as Lexi put her things in the backseat she felt a hand on her waist. "Nate..." she looked back before turning to face him.

The sexual tension was always there but today was different...something changed in Nate's eyes. His lust for Lexi was clearly out of control. "I love the bathing suit" he admired her body slowly and carefully. Lexis face was red because of how close there were.  "Cmon get in" Nate watched as Lexi walked to the passenger seat.

He got into the car and began to drive - immediately one hand on lexis thigh. "Nate what are you doing" she gave him a bit of a innocent smile getting butterflies not knowing why. "You know what..." he moved his hand inbeween her thighs now. "I've been watching you all summer..." he said softly before pulling in by the creek instead of driving her home.

"I don't know how I ever overlooked you" he looked at her now. Lexi was blushing so hard it was very obvious but Nate didn't say anything about it. "So what do you want from me now Nate" Lexi inched closer to him, maybe tonight was the night She'd finally get her first kiss. Nate's fingers we basically on lexis clit when he leaned over kissing her now.

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