Chapter 2: Sinking in

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A/N: Sorry if it seems to be moving too fast. I suck at spacing things out. -Storywriter19 

I walked into my mother's house. It still smelled of cinnamon. She loved baking. It was well past midnight and I was dog tired. I brushed out my hair from its bun and pulled on an oversized shirt and leggings. I was about ready to get into bed when I heard a crash at the back door. I jumped and turned towards kitchen.

I grabbed my trusty baseball bat and slowly walked to the back door. I reached for the door when if flung open. I screamed and swung the bat.

"Watch out Babe Ruth. It's just me." I heard a deep voice I hadn't heard in years.

"Parker?" I asked looking at the dark figure.

"Duh." He snorted. He flipped on a light and blinked rapidly. There he stood in a tank top and jeans. His sandy blonde hair was now a golden brown. He had tan skin and his muscles had seemed to grow since high school.

"Yup, you're Parker." I said putting the bat down on the table. "What are you doing up this late?"

"Dad was worried about you. He wanted me to check on you." He rolled his eyes.

"Well tell him thanks and next time use the front door. I could have easily hurt you with that bat." I said crossing my arms.

"Like you could. You're nothing but a city girl. Always have been." He put his hands on his nice slim hips. Stop it Callie. He's the enemy.

"Maybe I should hit you right now." I went for the bat but he was quicker. He grabbed it while knocking me to the ground.

"Go to bed Callie." He grumbled and turned towards the door. I sat on the floor shocked at what he'd done. He wasn't even going to help me up.

"Jerk!" I yelled. I stood up and shut the door, locking it. I went back to my old room and sat on my bed. I was too tired to cry about my mom and I was too tired to think about Parker. But yet I couldn't go to sleep. I lay there thinking about the time my mom and I spent putting the little glowing stars on my ceiling. After the clock struck two I slipped into some sleep.

"WAKE UP!!!!" I heard someone yell. I jumped and fell out of bed. I looked up to see Parker laughing. I glared at him.

"How the heck did you get in here?" I growled at him.

"Your mom gave me a key a few years ago, duh." He snorted and laughed to himself.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nice hair." He turned to leave. I grabbed my pillow and chucked it at him. It hit his head causing him to pause and turn back to me.

"Don't mess with me Parker." I growled at him. "I don't need your bull crap."

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