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"Sorry," Joslin said as she rushed through to the front doors mud on her legs as she ran to get changed but stopped. "Do I have to change? I can stay like this if you want to just get started... I don't want to-"

"Get washed up Jos." Leo said with a laugh as he looked her up and down. He looked back at the group of women and they all seemed rather greedy and jealous, for him and his time. They were all set up for the rose ceremony, he hadn't really noticed that Joslin was gone, but he also knew where she was so he wasn't worried, but hours had passed and when she still wasn't back... but then she emerged through the doors her bare legs covered in mud and dirt from playing with Coby and Leo's brief worry went away. She already had a rose, really he could just let her stay in her shorts and look completely out of place like she already felt, but he knew she knew she didn't belong and he wanted her to be comfortable considering everything he was doing for him and Coby.

"Okay," she replied and rushed past everyone in their beautiful dresses and caked on makeup. Joslin washed off her legs quick in the sink and tore off her dirty clothes, it would come full circle if Leo walked in on her changing she thought for a moment and then scooched into a corner hiding herself making sure he wasn't following her, but why would he? He had 16 other women that actually wanted him outside, still she hesitated before moving towards her wardrobe and pulling out a simple light pink dress from the hanger. She slipped it on threw on some little heels and a dab of lipstick and headed back out to join the group.

"That was fast," Leo said in amazement as Joslin walked out. Still beautiful and it only took a few extra minutes... previous girlfriends took an hour to get ready when they weren't covered in mud, Leo was amazed at her speed.

"Yeah, well I didn't want to keep them anxiously waiting to see who you want to stay." She said honestly as she took her place next to Katie. Joslin was slightly out of breath as she turned to face him, giving him a nod to begin. Leo snickered and tried to remember what he was doing, why he was here and once that sunk in he had to remember who he was sending home and who was getting the first rose of the night.

"Raquel." She let out a nervous breath and made her way carefully to him. "Will you accept this rose?"

"Yes, thank you." She kissed him. He liked this whole everyone wanted him and kept kissing him but it was also a strange sensation. Everyone wanted him and wanted their mouths on his at all times.

"Shoshanna." Sasha gave her sister a bitter look, but quickly put on a smile.

"Sasha." Leo said next and Sasha was thinking the same as Shoshanna although they were half-sisters they were still sisters and this couldn't last.

"Of course." She said with a smile and kissed him as well. After each girl, each one brave enough to kiss him he had to think for a moment, try and remember who was next on his mental check list of women.

"Mirabella... ethaline... Tia..." Leo went back and forth in his mind about keeping Becca. She was nice and sweet but Becca although different spelling and different person it was still a Becca and he didn't know if he could date another Becca so soon but the word came out of his mouth before he finished deliberating it. "Becca."

"Yes." She kissed him deeply like a girl in love but Leo suspected that they were all feeling antsy not having their phones or any real connection to the real world. If you had a kid you got phone calls with them when you wanted, he knew that much so he knew Daneel could talk to her daughter but the rest of them as far as he knew they were isolated extremely making him their only other means of interaction outside the house.

"Only five roses left," Kris announced when he walked in the room a sorrowed look on his face that he had perfected over the years. Joslin squeezed Katie's hand, he had to keep Katie she was wonderful and they would be great together and then they could stay friends and Joslin quieted her thoughts as Leo opened his mouth.

"Zora..." A possibility Joslin supposed, but she wasn't a big a fan of Zora. First off her name was weird, not that she got to choose it but still it was something to consider, and her possible pet allergy. "Abby..." Come on Leo, Joslin tried to urge him to read her mind and believe her when she said Katie was a good one but he only smiled as his eyes passed by her. Look at me Joslin screamed at him mentally, pick Katie! She pursed her lips and her eyes bulged slightly as she tried to get him to see her nodding towards Katie. It was partially selfish. Joslin told Leo girls that she liked hanging out with, also girls that would be good for him maybe, but girls that were becoming her friends.

Lauren, Jill, Ali, Drea and Katie all stood nervous rattling as they saw the number of ores shrink down. Their posture was tight and tense and they listened to everyone's name but their own called.

"Katie." Both Joslin and Katie let out a breath and Katie moved to him with grace. "Will you accept this rose?"

"Yes." Katie debating kissing him, but the moment passed with her thinking to kiss him and actually doing the action so she just moved back to her spot. She had to show him how much she liked him, she had to be more upfront with him.

"Jill... Jill will you accept this rose?"

"Thank you," she said softly with a nod. She skipped back joyously unable to contain her excitement when she got back to her spot.

"Alright ladies," Kris said reappearing once again. "Ali, Lauren and Drea... you ready Leo?" Every time Kris asked that Leo wanted to punch him. Well of course he was both ready and not ready for what he had to do. He didn't know them enough to know if he could love them or not.

There was always a pause a moment for the camera to pan in on their nervous faces while Leo stood changing and changing his mind again. "A- La- Lauren," Leo said awkwardly changing his mind mid word. Ali felt her heart sink. It was only the third ceremony and she knew it wouldn't last but she thought they bonded, she thought they had fun...

"Drea, Ali..." Kris said, "Please take this time to say your goodbyes." Drea did no such thing. She stormed out raging on about how this was fixed from the beginning. The camera ate it up.

"All of you are losers! I'm way hotter than all of you and yet he gets rid of me?" Leo knew he was right in not choosing her. "I am the best girl here, you are going to regret this Leonardo." He never liked when people called him by his full name it reminded him of when he was a kid and his mother would yell 'Leonardo!' letting him know he was in big trouble.

"Best of luck." Ali said and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"You are wonderful-" Leo began but she stopped him.

"So you are you... bye." Ali told him and moved out of the house, a crew member grabbed her already packed bag and headed out to the cars. Drea continued to rampage through the house as the rest of the girl's relaxed and moved to grab a glass of celebratory champagne.

"All of you suck!" Drea continued to say, more scream through the house. She grabbed a glass and threw it at Leo on her way out.

"Well that was... interesting." Leo said as he pulled off his champagne covered tie.

"You had your first meltdown girl." Joslin said with a laugh. "And you came out with only a ruined tie and dress shirt... congratulations." Joslin held up her full glass and took a sip.

"Thank you, it is an accomplishment." Leo said sarcastically. "But it only makes me certain I choose the right group of girls on continue on with. To all of you," he said raising his glass.

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