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"What's this I hear that you are not flying back to California?" Kris said harshly over the phone.

"I just thought why waste everyone's time when Katie already left." Leo informed him.

"Katie left? Just decided that you were no longer worth it? Why wasn't I informed of this?" Kris questioned bitterly glaring at the phone.

"Yeah, pretty much." Leo said his heart aching just thinking about it. Katie was going to be his fail safe. If he knew Joslin was going to say no then he knew he could try and make it work with Katie, he would have been able to have a good life with Katie he reasoned, but that wasn't an option now.

"So you want me to tell or," Kris let his words drag out.

"I was just going to FaceTime them and tell them the good news." Leo said, "I mean no need wasting time on a rose ceremony and we are traveling again so it only makes sense."

"Okay, I will set up the flights then and have you out of Illinois in no time." Kris said about to hang up.

"Actually," Leo cut in and he heard Kris groan.

"Yes Leo?"

"Could we do Germany intend of the Bahamas? At least for one date?" Leo begged Kris over the phone.

"Which one? No let me guess... Joslin." Leo stayed quiet. "I can make that work." Kris said after a long irritated pause.

"Thank you, thank you so much! You are amazing!"

"Yes, yes I know. Where in Germany were you thinking?"

"The Neuschwanstein Castle." Leo said butchering the name but Kris understood, begrudgingly agreed and hung up.

"So ladies this is the rose ceremony." Leo said through skype that night. He saw their faces staring back it him and just knowing the Joslin was so close to him made him excited to tell them the good news. "Sadly Katie has left us, she didn't feel a connection and I know how that goes so she is staying home and won't be returning." Mirabella's face lit up. "So congratulations, you three are the top three. Kris will be sending out travel information and I will see you all within the next two weeks. I will see you all soon, bye." Leo hung up a grin on his face as Coby lay his large head on Leo's lap. "Germany buddy, I am going to Germany."

"Top three means fantasy suite." Lauren said enthusiastically over Skype, the girls had stayed on. Joslin and Mirabella wanted to hang up, but Lauren started talking and Joslin felt bad hanging up on her.

"Well I am certainly excited to get to have all of him." Mirabella purred.

"He's a Christian." Joslin said softly to them as she adjusted her phone so she could see them while she fed her pets dinner.

"What? So? I don't care what he is, he is hot and I am ready to have him!" Lauren said, her and Mirabella giddy with joy and hormones.

"If he is a good Christian he won't be having sex with you." Joslin said absent mindedly.

"And he will be having sex with you I'm assuming?" Mirabella accused.

"Yeah miss perfect," Laurens eyes grew wide with anger, "he loves me too and you think you are better than us?"

"I think," Joslin said bitterly turning back to face the camera, "that if he is a good Christian he won't have sex with anyone before marriage, but I don't know him so what do I know!" And she hung up. She didn't know what he would be doing with them, she didn't want to know.

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