The Big Day

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Prison Changes A Person Years In Isolation Surrounded By Vicious Unstable Criminals Never Knowing When You Be Attacked Or When... The Prison Guards Will Turn On You Just When You Need Them The Most But This Prison Is Different Only The Strongest Or The Craziest Dared To Survive Here

Welcome, Prisoner This Is Your New Home But There Is A Chance For Freedom Blood, Sweat, And Steel, Are The Tools You Need To Survive Long Enough To Earn Your Freedom By Building The Cage That imprisons A Eldritch God From...While No One Knows, Enlightenment, World Peace, Worldwide Enslavement, Or Just Destroying The World Maybe All Four But No One Knows

If You Survive Long Enough In The Belly Of The Beast And Prove Your Worth You Be A Free Man or Woman, Are You Ready To Face Hell And Back For Your Freedom, Prisoner?

That Dreadful speech echoed inside the shipping container mixing with the e sound of restless chains and a thick smell of rust and blood but the feeling of the cold rusted-metal floor under bare feet slowly cut into my mind keeping me from giving into denial or fantasy forcing me to face my cruel, brutal and bloody reality.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder from behind I slowly turned to see a young teen boy with a nervous smile on his face he asked me what I think will happen when we got to the prison I simply shrugged and said back whatever happens just don't look weak or desperate they will take advantage of that.

It wasn't my first time being in prison but even I was scared of the unknown future and the devil's deal we all made for our freedom most of us have life sentences or are on death row giving the mere chance of Freedom was like hanging a fresh bag of meat in front of starving feral dogs while knowing it's not enough meat for every one of them.

But what other choice did we have, wait until the justice system proved us innocent, which will probably take years also maybe decades, or just try to escape and hope not to get killed in the process maybe you somehow do escape what then, where do you go, where is safe and how long are you going to hide until that becomes a prison too?

As these thoughts ran through my head the doors to the shipping container opened and pulled our chains into the blinding light leaving me and others shocked and terrified even someone started to cry in horror but then we heard the same deep voice from the speaker.

Welcome to Deadman's Reach:: The Workshop you all will be given one knife, 5 cans of food, 3 water bottles, 250 credits, and 3 work jumpsuits some of you will be picked for Pacific jobs due to your backgrounds but know this your bodies and souls belong to us meaning you die when we wanted you too.

There is a chemical cocktail running through your veins 24/7 keeping your barbaric instincts in check, to put it bluntly, you all had been forcibly chemically castrated for the greater good to make sure overpopulation won't happen.

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