Chapter 4

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         Everyone turned to the entrance doors as the dark haired siblings walked through the door holding hands and holding their head up high. Harry glared at everyone who was staring at his sister. Ivy tried her hardest to ignore the stairs and kept her cold indifferent mask on her face. She swiftly joined their friends.
         "I guess we should introduce ourselves and get this started. I'm Harry James Potter, and older twin to this lovely ray of sunshine next to me Ivy Azalea Potter." He ignores the glare sent by his younger sister at his description of her. "We are the only children of James Potter and...Lily Potter!" James immediately jumped up excited that he had a daughter and a son. Then he finally registered who Harry said his mother was.

          "LILY-FLOWER FINALLY SAID YES! HEAR THAT EVERYONE, I GOT THE GIRL!" James continued to fist bump the air as his parents looked at him in amusement. Only a few people noticed the slight upturn of Ivy's mouth at his actions. Lily Evans could be seen staring wide eyed puzzlement between James the toe-rag and the two children in front of her. Even though she was quite confused should couldn't help but look at her future kids with awe and love. Harry smiled warmly at his parents and squeezed his sisters hand, he knew that she was having a hard time understanding her emotions right now. They had always wished to know if their parents loved them since hearing from their aunt and uncle all their life that their parents abandoned them because their hated them and were freaks. Ivy couldn't handle the emotions coming off them and swiftly broke eye contact.

          Meanwhile across the hall at the Slytherin table Severus Snape glanced sadly at his best friend that he thought of as a sister. He hated himself for what he said to her. He just hopes in the future she would forgive him. Snape was disappointed and a little mad the she ended up marrying his bully, but he was also happy to see her with such joy on her face even if she tried to hide it. He had always seen the way she looked at James Potter even if she didn't want to admit it to herself and maybe that was one of the reasons why he didn't try to be friendly with the Maunders. He didn't want to lose his sister. She was the only family that he has left. She is the one person that he could always count on, hopefully he will gain her trust again.

          Now that everyone has gotten over their shock they all found their seats and got comfortable. Ivy sat between Harry and Draco holding both of their hands for support as the screen started to light up.


July 31st 1980 St. Mungos

          As the screen lit up the familiar waiting room to the maternity ward at St. Mungo's appeared. The room showed Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, Alice and Frank Longbottom holding their day old son Neville Longbottom. There was also Minerva Mcgonagall, Filius Flitwick, and surprisingly Petunia Dursley nee Evans. She was surprised to get an a call from Severus Snape Lily's childhood friend informing her that Lily was in labor and would like it if she was at the hospital for the birth of her children. Petunia broke down and rushed over. She always wanted to mend her relationship with her baby sister but didn't know where to start to apologize for how she treated her. She was also worried for what her husband would do if he found out she contacted her "freak" of a sister but she couldn't, wouldn't, miss her niece and nephew being born.

          Alice blushed and looked at Frank her boyfriend and soon to be fiancé' with a bright smile. She always loved the name Neville. At the same time Lily was staring at her sister on screen with so much hope and happiness but also worried about the little that was said about her husband.

           "You let me be there..." Snape whispered with a hopeful voice staring at the screen, although the only one that heard him was Ivy and she gave him a rare smile even if it was small. Surprising to Regulus Black, who was sitting next to him, he smirked back at her. Lily happened to catch the end of the exchange from across the room and she suddenly felt a small weight lift from her shoulders that she would eventually reunite with her big brother and that he clearly had a positive impact on her daughter who seemed so broken and angry. James reached over and squeezed her hand and vowed that he would make it up to Snape for how he has treated him all these years. He wishes that he didn't let his jealous get the better of him. It was obvious that he meant a great deal to Lily and he should have understood that better. Maybe he would have won her over sooner.

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