Chapter 8

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Age 5


It had been 4 years since we were brought to this horrid place. 4 years of hell. 4 years of hate, pain, and loneliness. I lost hope long ago that Muma and Papa were going to come and save us. We were freaks and they didn't love us. At least that is what Madam told Hazza and me. He's all I have and I'm all he has. He is my only family and I don't know what I would do with out him.

"Aww you do love me little sister!" Harry beamed and nudged Ivy. She gave him a glare but she couldn't stop her lip from twitching into a tiny smile for a moment. 

"Of course I do Hazz." Lily watched her children with a fond smile as she leaned her head on James' shoulder.

We still occupied the small room at the end of the dark cold hallway. Instead of a crib there was now a old twin size mattress on the ground that Harry and I shared. We both had a single blanket and pillow. We didn't mind though cause we had each other. Forever and Always. 

As the early morning sun started to peak through the small window I turned over to face big brother and poked him in the cheek. 

"Hazza wake up. Hazza." I poked his cheek again. "We have to get up and start making breakfast, we cant be late or Madam will be angry." I continued to whisper so I wouldn't wake anyone else in the house. Finally Harry peaked open his emerald eyes just like mine and gave me a faint smile. He yawned and stretched then pulled me into a hug. I instantly cuddled into his warmth and love. 

"I guess you're right Vee. Did you sleep well?" He asked while we got dressed into our baggy, ripped, and stained old hand-me-down clothes that I'm pretty sure are from 100s of years ago. As we left the room I grabbed his hand in mine and we avoided the creaky spots in the steps of the stairs and continued on to the kitchen. Harry got out the eggs and bacon as I started mixing the pancake mix.  Even though nether of us could see over the counters or stove Madam found two rickety old stools for us to use. 

The other kids in the Orphanage stayed away from us out of fear of Madam treating them like she treats us. They also were scared of us because we are freaks. Weird stuff happens around us when we are angry. We can make people hurt like they hurt us, we can make dead flowers become alive again, we can make stuff float and glass shatter, and every kid soon hated us as much as they feared us. We were evil they all say.

I didn't know why these things happened around us but I knew that we are not evil. Harry is NOT evil. He is everything good in this world. They are wrong.

"I love you Little Sister. You are NOT evil ether."

As I was finishing setting the table and Harry had set the last of the food out to be served the rest of the house awoke and entered the eating area ignoring us as they all sat down and shoveled food in their mouths. 

"What are you standing around for? Go to your room, if there is anything left you may eat it. Get!" Madam yelled and pushed us toward the stairs. 

"Please can we have just a little food? There was no left overs last night and we are really hungry." Harry pleaded. I know he was doing this for me. He knew how hungry I was and he worries about me as much as I worry about him. We were both small and short for our age from poor nutrition making us look more like we are 3 or 4 years old. I wished he didn't say anything though. Madam is going to be so mad. Madam spun around angry and slapped Harry across the face.

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