Something New

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Bells and whistles sounded as the gooey, green liquid moved slowly through the clear vinyl tubing and began dripping into the insulated cylinder at the rear of the table. There was no smell that could be detected coming from the lab, thanks to the unique gas evacuation system that the previous doctor had installed before his departure into the next life. Still as a precaution, the abbreviated man covered his face with the latest mask for protection. "One can never be too careful," he thought.

It had been a risky decision to rent the lower level of the city center as the police precinct was on the floor above.

The price was in his budget, and the mayor was his brother-in-law, so he knew that anything he did down here would not be suspected. Still, he took all necessary precautions to avoid questions by a curious officer.

The vials and beakers in the hidden lab under Precinct 4 would one day prove to release him from the troubles that being a genius brought into his life. Soon he would be finished and it would be time for the next step in the process of freeing those that he cared for from the prison that they were trapped in.

A leather notebook sat on the edge of the desk. It had belonged to his father and now the secrets inside the worn covers would be known only to him. There was a problem that his father had discovered while researching a cure for Covidical Cancer. The problem was that there was no conventional cure to be found. However,  he did discover that by radically altering the genetic makeup of the patient, there would be no trace of either Covid - 19, or the cancer that was caused by it.

From the results of the tests he determined that the volunteer  subjects were able to carry on with their adjusted lifestyle in a normal, yet unusual way. He doubted that the FDA would approve such a treatment, but if the disease kept progressing as it was doing, he had been assured by those that were funding his research that emergency approval would be forthcoming.

For now, he was satisfied that what he was doing would be well worth his time and troubles. Would there be people that doubted his beliefs and actions? That was a sure thing, but were there not those who doubted Thomas Edison's inventions?

It had been a good thing for his safety when the pandemic first came to town in early 2020. The whole world was seeking answers and the simple words, COVID Research posted at the entrance did a wonderful job of keeping unwanted visitors away from the facility.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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