Chapter 7

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J: Atticus asked where you were this morning when he woke up. You should've seen his little face when I said that you left last night x

B: Awe, he's so sweet x

J: He is. Get's it from his dad x

Betty giggled.

B: We need to arrange for him to see Gizmo again, that was too cute x

J: Definitely! He'd love that. What are you up to for the rest of the day? x

B: Nothing much. Got the rest of my shift and then I'm going out for drinks with my friend Veronica x

B: I say drinks, I mean mocktails lol x

B: What about you guys? x

J: I think Attie wants to stay in and have a movie day. We'll probably just make pizzas and watch disney all day x

B: Jealous lol. Wish I could be there with you guys instead of going to some grimy bar x

J: You'll have to join us some time x

B: I definitely will. I have to go before Eleanor kicks my ass! X

J: Ok, talk later? X

B: Definitely. Have a good day x

– – – – –

" I allowed to ask you how your date went?" Veronica asked as she stood behind Betty, straightening her hair.

Betty felt her cheeks hurt as she smiled widely.

Betty was excited to spend some time with her best friend but she wasn't exactly excited to have to keep an eye on Veronica as she undoubtedly got drunk and Betty stayed stone cold sober. After Betty's shift she had made her way home to see Veronica at her apartment setting out makeup and clothing choices for her.

"You are allowed to ask." she confirmed.

"How was it?" Veronica asked, hurriedly.

"It was amazing. He took me for dinner at this beautiful restaurant that had this balcony where it overlooked the skyline as the sun was setting. He was driving me home and we missed my turning so we went back to his place, tucked Atticus into bed and then um...we might have made out a little bit." Betty explained.

"Betty Cooper...on the first date? Okay...who are you and have you done with my best friend?" she laughed.

Betty smiled in return.

"We just couldn't help ourselves. There's this feeling that I get when I'm with him that I've never had before and I can't explain it." Betty gushed.

"Oh my gosh! Look at you, you're glowing. Is It safe to assume that the flowers I saw on the counter are from him?" she asked.

"Yeah, they are. We, uh, had a bit of a conversation about how it was kinda fast. He said that we should just go at whatever pace is good for us. I've only been on one date with the guy and he's already making me feel relaxed." she laughed at her own words.

"I love relaxed Betty, she's so much fun." Veronica said, excitedly.

The girls were broken out of their conversation by an alert. Betty picked up her phone with a smile.

"It's Jug." she said.

J: Have a good time tonight. Let me know if you need anything x

"Oh my God, you can definitely tell that he's a dad." Veronica laughed, reading the message over Betty's shoulder.

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