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She was an angel craving chaos.
He was the devil seeking peace.


The stars shone mockingly as they observed the fragile girl stumble through the darkness. Her feet dragged behind as she moved, occasionally teetering in the heels she wore as she battled against the late hours of the night that were willing her to sleep. Tears of frustration clouded her vision as she realised the finishing line was nowhere in sight.

It had been a long night for the poor girl - a night she had wanted nothing to do with even before it began. Her friends had manipulated her into going clubbing with them, something the girl had not once done, but they had immediately ditched her upon arrival as they spotted several acceptable suitors to go home with.

The girl had looked out of place as she had shrunk into a seat by the bar. Much to her discomfort, there has been numerous advances made on her merely in the first hour. Rather quickly had she decided she did in fact not like clubs. At least not ones she felt lonely in. Following this realisation and a failed attempt to find her friends she has determinedly set off on the track home. Only, her mind was too occupied with other events for her to notice she did not know how to get home.

Sat cross-legged on the cold floor, the girl stared worriedly at her phone as she watch the screen go from one percent to zero. Deeming it as useless as the stone beside her she carefully tucked it back into her pocket and brought her legs up to her chin in a foetal position.

The girl wept soft tears  of despair as she sat alone, painfully unaware of the upcoming threat plummeting towards her.

It appeared that night had taken an ugly turn for multiple people as a man irrationally sped down a windy road that was  coated by shadows - the speed limit passed long ago. He too had wondered into a club that night and had a less than positive experience.

He had entered the club with the intention of drowning his work stresses with alcohol but had been provoked by a drunken teenager helplessly trying to show off to his friends as he toyed with the man. Punches were thrown and glasses were smashed. The man had easily defeated the pubescent boy but was angered by the bruises left on his knuckles at the end of the fight. How inconvenient.

At the speed the man was driving, he most likely would have simply not seen the frail girl. To his luck, she had been too upset to make any rational  decisions that night. She sat, completely oblivious to how she had planted herself in the middle of the road.

Initially, the man had confused the girl with a rabbit or other small fowl of sorts but had soon taken notice of the mop of blonde hair forming a curtain over the girls quivering frame.

Panicking, he slammed his feet on the breaks and the car swerved to a stop. He hoped she had not been harmed by the vehicle before it had stilled. Now that would be an inconvenience.

Getting out the car to assess the damage the man was furious. He could not imagine what kind of idiot would be lying in the middle of the road at one in the morning.

He opened his mouth, prepared to scold whoever had delayed him reaching home when he was met with a series of apologies.

"I am so, so, so sorry sir. Are you hurt? Is your car okay? How stupid of me. I didn't realise where I was sitting. I am so, so sorry. Please forgive me?"

The near death experience had turned the girls stifled cries into sobs. She fumbled over her words as her voice cracked repeatedly. She felt awful for what she had done to the man.                Surprisingly, he felt worse - not because he had almost flipped his car over but because he found himself resenting the tears pouring down the girls face. 

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