Chapter 19 - "Mr Romano"

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Leonardo's POV:

I would be lying if I said I wasn't even a little upset with Melody. Of course, I'm aware that this disaster of a day rooted from my bastard Father's arrival, however, my girl should have learnt by now to not be so damn irresponsible. I swear, sometimes I wonder if she believes herself to be a fucking cat with nine lives because how careless can a 5ft girl be to prance around the streets in the middle of the night. My jaw ticks in frustration at the thought of Melody putting herself at risk. Infuriating girl.

Childishly, I kick a pebble in annoyance as I amble towards the local supermarket's entrance. This is the closest shop to our house and undoubtedly the only one that is walk-able, distance wise. The previous events of the night have battered me to exhaustion - if Melody isn't here, I think I might go insane. Sighing, I waltz into the store and immediately scan the aisles for a certain irresponsible blonde. My anxiety levels increase dramatically when I don't immediately spot her and I mutter quiet profanities to myself as I endeavor deeper into the store.

After a few, agonizingly long minutes with no success, the previous annoyance I felt has morphed into a dangerous anger. The longer I am away from her the more concerned and more pissed off I become. Just wait until I get my hands on you Melody. Expecting to fail with my search yet again as I turn onto the final aisle of the store, my eyes widen in shock as I spot a short girl with crazy hair balancing on the edge of the third shelf as she stands on her tip-toes and reaches for something on the highest rack. "Melody!" I yell, and silently curse myself as I catch her by surprise causing her to squeal and clumsily tumble off the shelf and onto the floor.

"Ouch..." she whines as she remains sprawled out on her back. My lips quirk into an amused smirk when I notice her glaring daggers at me as I move closer. "That was mean," she scolds me and I chuckle lightly before offering my hand and hauling her off the floor.

My eyes narrow in concern as I notice her wince in discomfort once placed on her feet. "Where does it hurt?" I demand to know as I scan her appearance for any visible injuries, my expression now serious.

"Nowhere. I'm fine, I just banged my head a little," she briskly dismisses. I sigh. Always the people pleaser.

Pulling her close, I plant a gentle kiss to her forehead before grasping her hand in my own and leading us both out of the supermarket. "Come on, we're going home."

To my surprise, I feel resistance as she struggles against my tight grip. "What? No, I need to get my stuff and pay first!" She explains, ultimately failing at stopping me as we quickly reach the exit doors.

"I said, we're going home. I've had a long enough day as it is," I grumble and continue yanking her towards the car.

"Stop it! Mr Romano, you're hurting me!" She cries and I roll my eyes until I fully register her words. What?

My feet stop dead in their tracks causing Melody to collide into my back. My breathing increases and I clench my jaw. Changing direction, I walk us both back towards the supermarket, noting Melody's confused silence as we travel. Once neared, I wrap my right hand firmly around her neck before shoving her so that she is leant against the outer wall off the building. Darkness lies over us both like a heavy blanket, masking our features and swallowing our emotions. The only source of light being the streetlight that reflects off the wall; creating ominous shadows that lurk around us. And yet, despite the darkness, I could still dictate every diminutive detail of Melody's petrified expression. "What did you just call me?"

"W-what are you doi-", she stutters before I abruptly interrupt her as my patience dissipates.

"What the fuck did you just call me Melody?!" I prod, my voice significantly more loud than before - significantly more threatening.

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