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1976-1979 you choose😉

This will most likely be a straight fic even if it doesn't seem that way unless someone requests anything else, its a wild ride though, so get ready ;)

Stevie felt proud of herself in a way, as much as she disliked Carol Ann she had listened to Christine's advice and tried to give the supposed girls night a chance, Christine had said, Carol Ann did look up to her and it wasn't the girl's fault that Lindsey probably was using her as a fill in just because they shared the same birthday and she'd decided to accept Carol Ann's invite to a night on the town, gambling with some of the money they'd raked in from 'Rumours' success, Stevie had eventually gave in and she felt maybe she had been wrong about Carol Ann, but she also felt Christine never really understood women, her thoughts and ways were still more like one of the guys, she didn't understand jealously, gossip or a lot of what Stevie considered normalities for girls but the opposites was what made her and Christine such good friends and she actually wasn't as annoyed by Carol Ann as she thought, if she didn't think of her as Lindsey's girlfriend, she was actually bearable and she didn't want to think about Lindsey so after knocking back some shots in the car and then all doing some lines the three girls walked into the large building.

However, it wasn't what it seemed.

They had expected an unusual sight but not like this.

The room was filled with the typical style of tables for gaming and gambling but rather than the compliment of guests dressed in tired tuxedos or vacation wear, the crowd seemed to be made up of a sea of latex and leather. 

There wasn't a single person in sight that wore anything other than tight fetish clothing. 

"I thought this was a casino?" Christine said, looking to Carol Ann as Stevie looked around in shock still confused.

Carol Ann looked at herself and her hoped to be two friends, suddenly feeling very out of place. Wearing sundresses, the girls had expected to be overdressed for the crowd that was described to them. Instead, they felt like they where wearing overalls at a formal dance.

"We're clearly not in Kansas, anymore," Christine chuckled as she stared into the crowd.

"Somebody should have warned us," Stevie complained "What is all this?"

"I'm guessing some type of kink place!" Christine said glancing around.

"We must have got the wrong place, oh jeez, how did I even manage to screw this up?" Carol Ann said upset as she looked at Stevie and Christine. 

"People still look to be gambling, what is a kink place anyway, I don't see any hoses!" Stevie said naively tugging on Christine's sleeve like a small child.

Carol Ann had to bite her lip as Christine chuckled "Not hoses love, never mind!" She simply said "Simply put I think its like an underground type of sex club, where weird people do weird stuff!" Christine tried to explain as Stevie's brows raised and crinkled in confusion.

"They are still gambling though and seeming pretty normal, I must have mixed the place up but maybe its just a type of fancy dress party!" Carol Ann said, she truly had been a complete fangirl of Fleetwood Mac and even admired the women but after dating Lindsey and trying to be friends with them she had always felt like a second class citizen around them but she was willing to take that to be around Stevie, she had always admired her and at the end of the day, she'd do anything for Lindsey so just wanted to at least be friends with his bandmates and obey what he wanted but right now, she had to try and make her supposed newfound friends relax into the odd place they had ended up at, she herself had only been young when she was thrust into the world of becoming basically a groupie and she had learnt a lot since being around Fleetwood Mac and dating Lindsey and this was going to be her chance to show Lindsey she'd do anything for him and could be just as wild as Christine and Stevie. 

Originally Carol Ann had been the most tame. She often envied the stories she would hear from Stevie or Christine, She regretted turning down those adventures or not being invited, though she was sure she would never dare try the things they did. After their most recent trip Carol Ann was sure that Stevie and Christine had slept together or fooled around but she also doubted that but wondered why she felt jealous they didn't make a move on her if they were that way and Lindsey had also been just as obsessed with what they particularly Stevie had been doing.

Lindsey had asked Carol Ann a while ago if she cared if he slept with Stevie and even offered for her to join in maybe, at first she was turned off by the thought but, after long nights with her thoughts, she realized it was only jealousy talking. If she where to experiment with another women, Stevie would certainly be at the top of the list and if it kept Lindsey happy, why not even though she knew and felt deep down if Lindsey had Stevie, he'd forget about her, she'd be up for sharing.

Over the prior months though she caught herself staring at Stevie's  supple form, wondering what it would be like to fondle her breasts or have Stevie's face between her legs but she blamed that on the cocaine and Lindsey's fantasy talks playing in her mind.

"Well should we just go?" Stevie asked both of them breaking Carol Ann from her thoughts.

Christine sighed as she looked around "How bad can it be?" She shrugged, seeing a whole tray of glasses of wine or champagne and thinking at least there was alcohol and gambling. 

Suddenly though, a woman dressed in a short, tight blue rubber dress approached them with a smile. "Can I be of assistance," she asked.

"We thought this was a casino!" Stevie blurted out in defence. 

"Yes, one night when my Linds and I were out at a club, a guy gave us this!" Carol Ann interrupted and she shoved the small card they had been given at the women, who smiled as she took it.

"Welcome. Let me give you the run down on the activities." The woman coaxed them out of the doorway and into the room proper as she pointed out various areas. 

"This is a fetish and bondage casino. Rather than playing for money, we play for other, more interesting things. First of all, don't feel self-conscious about your clothing. Most people come dressed as you are. In the corner there, you will find a dressing room. Your startup set of chips can be picked up there when you chose your fetish attire for the evening. The more extreme clothing you chose, the more chips you will receive. If you find yourself running short on chips, you can return to the dressing room for more extreme attire. Once you start, it is much like a regular casino. The only difference is that some of the games are quite different. I'll let you discover them as you explore but there is something for everyone or you can just buy drinks and watch but its better you explore yourselves." She smiled an almost devious grin. "It's more fun that way."

"Play for people, what?"  Christine asked as she watched a towering blonde dressed in form fitting leather walk by.

"Just to have fun! You can fulfil your fantasies or just enjoy gambling. But remember, you can go into debt here, which must be satisfied by the end of the evening." With that the woman left them.

Stevie stuck close to Christine, intrigued and feeling like she had just turned eighteen again with the newfound freedom but she didn't know what they would do but she kind of wanted to see what it was all about "Well shall we stay and explore?"

Christine looked around as she picked up one of the glasses of wine, taking a large sip "The drinks are free, no one seems to know us, I guess its a new experience, we can just walk around!" She shrugged.

"They might have nice fashion at least!" Stevie said, even though she thought a lot of what people were wearing seemed more punk rock and odd to her usual style.

"I'm sure it won't all be weird and we are here now, I'm sorry I must have mistook the invite but who knows, we might have fun and you are both single ladies, so why not give it a try!" Carol Ann shrugged innocently.

Christine sniggered at the thought of being single and being tipsy and high, she actually felt a little adventurous and Stevie couldn't deny she did as well wanting to be a strong independent and sexually free woman. 

Stevie grabbed Christine's hand and Carol Ann's with the other and pulled her toward the dressing rooms "Come on then! Let's go."

I had this written for a while, it might be far fetched and it will get very kinky but I hope someone might like it what can I say, I am perverted XD

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2022 ⏰

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