Chapter 13: Northbound

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The vast sky emitted a painting of brilliant colors and light.

In a field of vast greenish-yellow grass, Summer stood still. The wind around her shot millions of fine pieces of pollen into the air while the ground below her became damp, slowly soaking her gray pants.

Looking out into the far horizon, she saw a thin paved road leading out of sight into the distant unknown.

She took a step forward.

The grass turned into liquid. Her face and hands turned into an eccentric purple coat.

Looking around briefly, she continued walking.

With each passing second her body magically turned into a different color as she gradually made her way to the pavement.

The winds grew stronger, her body began to feel heavier.

"Wake up." Someone called. She felt the breath of a whisper in her ear. "Wake up, Summer."

Sitting inside a bus, Summer shot a stare at Oliver.

"We're here."

---3 Days Before---

Sleeping quietly, Oliver lay in a funny position.

Pillows scattered all over the floor. Half his body dangled off the elevated bed mattress.

"Wake up."

Oliver did not respond.

"Hey, wake up. It's 11 am."

As the street outside got busier, Summer grew more annoyed.

Yanking his shirt as he completely rolled out of the bed, Summer screamed. "Get out!"

Oliver and Summer had been residing with Oliver's uncle for about a month by now. Ever since Andrea resigned from her post at the eatery a few weeks ago, the both of them have been helping in the running of the little establishment as they patiently waited for an update from Miguel and Albert.

"Tito, where does this go?" Oliver asked.

His uncle pointed his finger. "In the tray beside the barbeque. Make sure it's empty before restocking."

Although repetitive, the two found their duties at the canteen to be fun.

Because of the nature of the place, they were able to meet many different people whom they would have never even spoken to.

From students experiencing love issues to old men talking about stories from the distant past. With every order and each plate, a new acquaintance or a fascinating encounter seemed to be waiting for them.

"By the way, Oliver," Oliver's uncle called out. "Don't your classes begin in 2 months?"

"Yeah, that's the problem. We don't really know what to tell our parents."

"Can't you just tell them what's happening?"

Oliver shrugged. "I did consider that, but I worry that they might come back to the country because of it. I don't want to create such a fuss."

"I could vouch for you if you want," Oliver's uncle suggested.

"I'll think about it," Oliver said. "Thanks."

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