Be My Baby

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I love that song so much ^^

Third person's pov

" Happy 19th birthday, Zaynie boy !!" Harry jumped on Zayn as soon as Zayn had opened the door of his new apartment . Soon Harry detangled his best friend from himself and started looking around the living room which was pretty huge and luxurious while Zayn locked the door again . Harry knew five of his room could be easily covered by Zayn's room ,that was no surprise to him .

Zayn was rich , his father's a multimillionaire and even Zayn had started his own company last year which was blooming .

" Your birthday is also coming up soon . Soon both of us will be adults Haz . Isn't that great ?? " Zayn's voice was exited. But Harry's face fell at the mention of his 18th birthday . Zayn's heart twitched painfully Seeing Harry being unhappy out of no where .

" what's wrong, Hazzie ?" He made Harry sit on the sofa beside him , wrapping a arm around his shoulder which Harry shrugged off .

" it's... just .. we grew up so soon ." Harry faked a smile which Zayn detected again .

" you know , you can never lie to me ." Zayn looked into his eyes and that smile was dropped again .

" Tell me ." Zayn demanded but that sounded more like a pleading.

Harry knew he was always safe and comfortable with Zayn but he didn't want to ruin Zayn's birthday with his unnecessary blabbing . The older has done enough for him already but his heart gave in when he heard his plead .

" you know my parents ,right?? " a tear fell down Harry's cheek . Zayn frowned, he knew Harry's parents were homephobic , they hated it when Harry wore nail paints or a dress .

Did they hurt his Harry??

Pain and anger shot through his veins at sane time at this thought. Suddenly, he had an urge to hide Harry from whole world and keep him hidden in his chest .

" yeah , what about them ?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

" They'll throw me out as soon as I turn eighteen . I've nowhere to go and I'm pretty useless so it's hard to find a job ." Harry put his head on Zayn's shoulder and Zayn felt like someone stabbed him right in the heart and then twisted the knife harshly .

" Harreh , I can al-" but Zayn was interrupted.

" No Zee . You and your family have done enough for me . " Harry said .

" I was going to offer a job , Haz ." Zayn rolled his eyes.

" Did you just roll your eyes at me , Zaynie boy?? " Harry hit him on chest , slapping him .

" Thanks, but you don't have to . I've a plan ." Harry stated , wiping his tears .

Zayn raised his eyebrow again , being curious , " what are you up to Harold?"

Harry shyly smiled, his cheeks tinted pik .

" I'm gonna find a sugardaddy. " He said bitting his lip .

Zayn started laughing hard , holding his tummy . When he saw Harry wasn't laughing with him , instead he had a serious face , he stopped laughing . Harry was serious , he realized.

" What are you saying Harry ?? You're gonna let a Oldman use your body ?? " Zayn's blood boiled at the thought of someone else touching Harry . He couldn't let Harry do it .

" If he's handsome I don't care about his age. Besides , I've been called whore , slut and many things even when I was a virgin , so why don't be a slut and then get called slut? " Harry let out a dry and depressed chuckle.

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