Hey Stranger ( pt 1)

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Zayn hated oceans , he was too afraid of drowning but here he is , at the strange island called Eroda . He mentally cursed his sister's therapist who suggested that a vacation to an hardly known island would be a good idea resulting Zayn to be here with his two younger sisters and   waliha 's boyfriend .

The beach of Eroda has really nice view , the blue sky and blue ocean was melting into each other at horizon  , the salty ocean breeze was soothing,  the waves were clashing into each other , there was a rhythm in nature .

Zayn was wondering how in earth people didn't know about this amazing place but he was also glad there wasn't much tourists to destroy the peaceful silence . He watched from afar  his sisters and Patrick playing and laughing in the salty water .

He wanted to be alone , somewhere his sisters wouldn't be able to find him and beg him to get into the water as he sucked at swimming . Soon he was out of their sights , at a place where he was forbidden to go to . He doesn't believe in rumors.

But what caught his eye was a boy who looked like he hadn't touch the boundary of his eighteenth birthday . The sun didn't seem to have any effect on his pale shirtless body .  His curls was flying in every direction due to the breeze , which were also adorned by small blue flowers , a necklace made of seashells was hanging from his neck . His little swim shorts was revealing his milky legs .

The boy must have felt Zayn's gaze on him , soon his green eyes met Zayn's golden ones , a small smile crept on his face .

" Oh hey , who are you stranger ?" He asked curiously.

" I'm a tourist here , name's Zayn ."

" Zayn " the curly boy tasted the name on his lips ," that's a pretty unique name . I'm Harry Styles by the way ."

" sooo Harry , what are you doing here ?" Zayn asked him knowing that people wasn't allowed this part of the beach .

Harry looked at him and started to laugh uncontrollably. 

" Don't tell me you fucking believe them Zayn . "

" of course I don't.  Otherwise I wouldn't be here right ?" Zayn rolled his eyes .

" but you didn't tell me what you're doing here ?" Zayn asked again .

" I'm collecting shells to sell " Harry said showing Zayn the  basket filled with different types of shell ," see . "

" they're pretty ."

" Believe me this  part is the best to collect shells . By the way , since Eroda is my home I can give you a tour if you want to ." Harry suggested.

Zayn couldn't find the will to say no to those gorgeous green eyes . There were lots of people with green eyes out there , but these eyes will always live in his head . The two of them walked together,  sometimes stopping if they saw a shell and Zayn was happily looking out shells for Harry.

" so , what's the story? I mean I know about the rumors but what's the real story?" Zayn looked at Harry who tucked a curl behind his ear .

" Oh,  so you don't know ?? It's ok , let me tell you ." Harry poked out his tongue trying to remember the story .
" I heard this story in my childhood , I don't remember the boy's name  but ... yeah , it was the time of the ww2 . A boy lived at this island,  he had no friends . He was all alone till a guy few years older met him and magic happened . They fell in love , it was pretty hard to hide from the society but they did . But the one day his lover had to go away to join the war and support his country as he was elder than eighteen . Before leaving , he told the boy that he will come back and together they'll elope to somewhere no one can find them ."

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