Chapter 14 : I love messing with this chapter title lol

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Meanwhile At H.A.P.P.Y

There was a loud noises coming under the floor as the boss was typing "How to touch grass". On his screen, it shows that there are many files containing about every single kid and their names inside of the facility. Inside of each every document shows every kids about their quirk, blood, likes, dislikes, hobby, families and their backstory. If any kids were killed during their "Training" The boss will either put all the document about the kid at the recycle bin or print out every single document and put at the locker to uses that document for his another "Children". Not only that but there's also document name "(y/n) Zairin" but this file icon is the only file that is different then all the kids since his document file was larger then all of the kids. Although "(y/n) Zairin" have a bigger file icon then all the rest of the document, it still in progress as the boss had not yet getting (y/n) since the boss will have plan for (y/n). A plan that will change the world, A plan that will bring despair to people, A plan that all heroes will vanished, A plan..........that can kill allmight in brutal way that will shock people.

Each element that (y/n) has will be documented it to increase the element. For example lightning, it is said that it is the strongest using on combat, it can used during shot range AND long range since the boss heard that (y/n) once uses his lightning as a broom and not only that but the boss know that he uses lightning speed as a chase. Although it is fast ye it's slow to which the boss already planned how to "Train" lightning. Lightning focus on offensive since it has less defensive attack for (y/n) and there are not a lot to said about (y/n)'s lightning form since it doesn't show at the social.

Next is Wind. It once said that Wind are the most dangerous element by far. Not only it has defensive to deflect the enemy but also it has great offensive. Wind only focus on doing versatile with wind surrounding its area. The boss countless watch the video of how (y/n) uses his wind to save the airplane and that made him interested in since the weight of airplane, people and their luggage are more then 30,000 kg and also the way that (y/n) manage to hold on onto the airplane with his wind power meaning that he can even withstand the fast of the airplane which is around 460-575 mph is amazing to know that if (y/n) got hit by any air pressure (y/n) can still standing at the same exact position.

Earth, it said this element might be the most hardest to beat cause not only that but it may enhanced the body of (y/n). The power of earth doesn't have any benefit of using when chase since it mostly used for defensive and offensive strength which is also good thing cause although it doesn't have any fast movement like speed or wind but it can give a hard time for fighting in close range because it can create a huge wall that has tremendous thick, can go up to the sky with its earth pillar and there are many theory that the earth itself can summon any types of creature with the user control possibly Golem? This power of earth should be focus on precision, vibration, raw strength and power since it is the key to control the power of the earth and if train very hard, the user itself can create a huge earthquake with the high magnitude possible more then 8.5 by just punching hard to the ground causing every building to collapse and bringing all people to go to heaven or hell.

Fire, the most dangerous element of the user. IT can burn, it can heat, it can cause deforestation but mostly it can burn all everything at sight.  There are no information of (y/n) using his fire since he didn't using any of the elements during his school due too develop negative mindset. But that doesn't mean the boss doesn't know about fire. of course he knew (y/n) uses his fire but during in fire form. He only focusing enhance his fighting like close range similar like element but this one is very different. Since when (y/n) uses his fire and during combat, he was using the fighting style like a fighter meaning that he only focus on boxer like to which that he uses his fire to enhance on his body. Also there's sometimes where (y/n) uses his fire as long range example summoning his fireballs and even shackles during one time and while being held by his fire shackles, he can increase the heat of the fire meaning that he can increase the heat of his fire. The boss know how to "Train" (y/n) with his fire.

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