Skeeter's lesson

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The first day of the second term comes quicker than anticipated. The snow is still thick upon the grounds, and the greenhouse windows are covered in condensation so thick that they can't see out of them in Herbology. Nobody is looking forward to Care of Magical Creatures much in this weather. Harry doesn't mind the weather too much and, in fact, is looking forward to care for magical creatures.

When they arrive at Hagrid's cabin they find a young wizard with shoulder-length hair pulled into a ponytail, very prominent cheekbones and slender facial structures, standing before his front door.

Harry's eyes widen, this never happened either. In the past, it was professor Grubbly-Plank and he didn't like her very much.

"Now then, let's get started with class, my name is professor Reyes. He smiles at them as they struggle over to him through the snow.

"Who're you?" Asks Ron rather rudely, staring at him. "Where's Hagrid?"

"I am your temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher until Hagrid's well enough to retake his classes. Darn woman got him terrible there, reminds me of my own encounter with Skeeter." With that, the young professor claps into his hands and smiles brightly, "Now follow me, class has already started five minutes ago. Also if you're coming late that's on you, I won't be waiting longer than five minutes."

Soft and unpleasant laughter reaches Harry's ears. He turns; Draco Malfoy and the rest of the Slytherins are joining the class. He rolls his eyes slightly and waits for Theo to catch up to him.

"I hate the cold!" He shivers and presses closer to Harry. The dark-haired teen sighs and wraps his arm around Theo, tucking him close.

"This way, please," says Professor Reyes, and he strides off around the paddock where the Beauxbatons horses are shivering. Harry feels bad for them and silently casts a warming charm on them. The massive horses neigh in gratitude as their eyes settle on Harry.

The young professor in front of him turns slightly with a small smirk. "I can tell you have quite your way with magical creatures. I presume you spend a lot of time with Hagrid."

Harry nods, "I do, but you seem to be close to him as well."

Professor Reyes chuckles. "I suppose you could say that. It's because of him I went on to pursue a career in Magizoology." His smile turns gentle at the memory. Harry can tell that professor Reyes is very fond of the half-giant

He leads them past the paddock where the huge Beauxbatons horses are standing and toward a tree on the edge of the forest, where a large and beautiful unicorn is tethered. The dark-haired professor moves up to the unicorn and places his head against the creature's snout. The stunning unicorn closes its own eyes and leans into the touch.

Many of the girls "oooooh!" at the sight of the unicorn.

"Oh it's so beautiful!" whispers Lavender Brown. "How did he get it? They're supposed to be really hard to catch!"

"Not if you bond with them before catching them. This beauty's mother was killed by a troll and so I found her all alone wandering the forest near my manor." Professor Reyes answers brightly.

The unicorn paws her golden hooves against the ground nervously, Harry can sympathize with the majestic creature. He smiles softly at her and her attention turns to him. "Approach her with care, unicorns are generally shy creatures and therefore easily spooked. Now one at a time, easy does the trick."

The unicorn doesn't break her eye contact with him and Harry can feel the intense curious gaze from Professor Reyes. The girls around him shift out of his way as they can only gaze as the shy, white creature moves to meet Gryffindor's golden boy. Harry reaches out with his palm, he can feel the calm magic radiating off the horse-like creature. She's so beautiful and Harry feels as though in a trance.

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