051. "what should I do about you?"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

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I've never felt this way before

Up & Down, that's how we go


         VISITING HAGRID TAUGHT THEM MANY things that were happening outside of Hogwarts, and especially the revelation that Hagrid's absence was due to him being tasked with Madame Maxime, the Beauxbatons headmistress, to go on a mission to seek out the Giant race, which didn't end as smoothly as they'd first predicted.

But after Hagrid's return, there was a shift in Harry's mood — though it wasn't much, it was still enough for everyone to avoid his wrath. However, as days and weeks past since then, Lucia thought there was something strange about him, but she just couldn't point out what just yet.

Lucia didn't think it was anything important, so she just left it be and continued with her day. The same thing couldn't be said with Harry unfortunately. As he and Ron were locked up in the confinement of Gryffindor Tower due to the mountains of homework they had previously procrastinated to finish and neither Hermione went off to see Hagrid, Harry could merely look out of the window and down the grounds where many of the students were at, playing around with their white surroundings in their free day.

"Must be nice..." Ron muttered bitterly, resenting the people that were down on the grounds having fun whilst they had to finish up work. Albeit it was their fault for procrastinating...

"Look at them," he scoffed, "Ice skating. I reckon I would've done them on the floor if it weren't for bloody Snape and that toadface!"

Harry merely grunted, causing Ron to turn back to his best friend with a deadpanning look. But even then, he didn't look as if he noticed it, which made Ron ever-so curious to find out why. Following his gaze, Ron's searching eyes finally stopped on a particular girl; Lucia, who was skipping down with his little sister and as well as a brunette girl whom Ron was not acquainted with.

He furrowed his eyes and darted back at Harry. "Looks like Lucia's down there too," he said carefully slow.

"Yeah, she is," Harry stated blankly.

"You know, I notice something about this year,"

"And what's that?"

"The fact that people are finally seeing Lucia as who she really is," said Ron, studying his best friend's reaction. "Dean told me yesterday that he heard from Neville, who heard from Ernie, who heard from Hannah, who was told by Susan that Smith fancies Lucia,"

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now