The surgery

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That night i tried not to think about what had happened that day and now im hanging out with Mia, holding each other tight as if we might not see each other again. i loved this moments. these moments when me and Mia face challenges but face them and hold each other tight.

"you want to go for a walk?"

she asked


i replied

we walk to our favorite spot right on the lake at sun set. Everything, and i mean everything was absolutley beautuful, espicially the girl that sat next to me. we hold each other right on that side of the lake were we always went to cool down or, "do stuff'. It was our place, it was were we met, were we had our one year anniversary, were i asked her to prom. Now it might be the last time i can "walk" here again. Though this was our spot and i looked at her knowing that she was just as nervous as i was. If i lost sports i would lose college, i would lose a future.

"i love you so much"

i whispered to her

"i love you too, and im going to be right by your side when you wake up tomorrow."

she said back.

i smiled and kissed her on the forehead and we walked back to her house.

The next morning i went and picked Mia up at six because she insisted to go to my surgery with me. she hopped in the car and we kissed,and i got reminded of why i love her so was a 2 hour drive to the surgery center and we had four hours to get there so we were looking for things to do to waste some time. we were looking and we found this nice restaurant to eat at. we get out of the car and start walking to the restaurant holding hands and we sit down to eat and of the sudden my phone starts to ring.


i said

"hello Mr. Johnson?"

they nurse said

"yes this is he"

i said

"well we found results we didn't find and we don't have to take your lack off we just have to make a small insicion and youll be back to playing your sports in no time."

the nurse say in excitement

"Are you serious that's great news thank you so much see you at 10."

I tell Mia the news and we start yelling and hugging in joy, making the other people in the restaurant think we are total fools.

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