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"You got a job at Electra?" Scarlet inquires, sounding dumbfounded, while Willow sends the brunette a look as she dries the last mug.

Regina nods, not understanding, knowing Willow works there as a server as well. "That's like one of the most famous establishments in Incheon," she cries out slamming her head onto the marble island.

Regina flinches at the sound it makes, while Willow snickers slightly. Scarlet groans as she sits up, rubbing her forehead softly; looking between the two with a pout.

"This isn't fair," she whines and Regina sighs as she places the last glass in the cabinet, closing it with a soft thud.

"You work at Cyrene Scar," she states as Willow moves pass her; empty boxes in her hold. "Yeah, but that's in Busan," she mutters sounding like a toddler.

"Sweetheart, even if we don't work at the same place we still live close to each other," Regina says soothing and receives a huff in response.

Sighing, she leaves her cousin to help Willow with unpacking the remaining boxes. Slightly surprised they finished before the sun had set, within a few minutes it's done.

"I'm glad, you live across from me," Willow announces with a smile and Regina responds with a soft one of her own.

Scarlet appears out of nowhere, wrapping her arms around them. Muttering something about work in the morning, before escaping from the apartment.

Blinking the two share a look, not understanding the statement. "Doesn't she have work, at live three in the afternoon?" Willow inquires, while Regina nods in confirmation, quite confused herself.

She sends Scarlet a quick text, before the two talk about random things which leads to talks of work.

They settle on the sofa, drinks and snacks scattered on the coffee table.

"So, what exactly do I need to know about the job?" She inquires, curious yet somewhat nervous

Willow adjusts herself, so that she fully faces the silver-haired female, a serious expression resting on her features.

It strikes a nerve in Regina but she shoves it aside; wanting to know what she has to be ready for.

"You know all kinds of supernatural beings come to Incheon, not all bad and not all good a mix of sorts," she starts and Regina hums in agreement.

"Well, Electra deals more with...the bad side, those who work outside of the law. Our jobs...positions are a bit different from normal," she stops giving Regina a look which sends a shiver up her spine.

"There are five different positions. First it's the bartenders, there are usually two. While servers are four to five; dancers are two at a time," she takes a breath, a hesitant look dancing in her eyes.

Regina gives her a small smile, urging her to continue. Willow nods, eyes falling upon her lap as she does.

"Feeders and Entertainers are the most rare yet dangerous positions. Feeders...are vampires who drink from humans who are addicted to the bite. While, Entertainers do anything their client asks of them," she finishes off quietly.

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