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Regina yawns, choosing to ignore the buzzing of her phone once her eyes focus on Hoseok as he strides toward her. She gives a hesitant smile as a greeting, tensing as he grabs hold of her hand and leads her straight into the bustling crowd.

"So, where are we going?" she finally voices, curiousness coating her words; hiding her hint of fear. He laughs softly, moving pass a hurrying businessman before answering her.

"You haven't seen much of Incheon, so we've decided we'll show you around today," she frowns not quite understanding where the 'we', comes in.

Until they come to a halt outside the museum, Yoongi and a tall, blonde haired male standing next to him. "Sorry, it's quite busy today. Doll, you know Yoongi, the guy next to him is Jungkook," he announces and draws a whine of protest from Jungkook's lips.

She gives him a soft smile bowing her head in greeting, before speaking. "Nice, to meet you Jungkook-shi I'm Regina. Yoongi-shi, nice to see you again."

Both nod at her words, eyes flickering back to Hoseok who clicks his tongue in annoyance. "Stop with the 'shi' it's annoy. How old are you?"

She blinks, feeling slightly shocked but responds, "not that it's any of your business but I'm 26."

Hoseok let's put a light laugh, while Yoongi snorts and pats a blushing Jungkook's back. She sighs, giving Hoseok a look and the three finally compose themselves.

"So what're we doing after the museum?" She inquires, feeling her heart fluttering slightly at the softness in Hoseok's eyes.

"You'll see, we'll make sure you never forget today," he whispers to her before trailing away to Jungkook. Shaking her head she smiles softly at sight of the two while feeling Yoongi's eyes on her.

"Today... is going to be different," she mutters before dragging Yoongi after the other two; not wanting to be left behind.


Regina nearly jumps out of her skin when she sees a scowling Willow and frowning Scarlet on her living room couch. Rolling, her eyes she walks toward the kitchen placing the bags on the island hearing the two walk over hurriedly.

"I sent you a text to inform you where I was and who I was with," she states before they speak, turning around to face the two. Willow sighs, looking drained while Scarlet looks unsure of what to do.

"Regina, you can't just go out with they're dangerous," Willow pipes and Regina huffs before snapping, "so is our jobs and so are we. I don't see the point in distrusting them."

"Then, why do I feel fear raiding off of you when you're near them?" Willow argues and Regina's eyes narrowing in to slits.

"Because of this thing you make me wear! For goodness sake, I know you're trying to protect me. But what is the use when I can't see what I'm up against," she bites out words dripping with venom.

Willow grits her teeth, biting back her own words while Scarlet places a ring before the fuming Regina.

She calms down ever so slightly, giving her a look of confusion. "It was supposed to be a birthday present, but it seems like you need it now," she says simply with a small smile.

Regina slides the ring onto her left index finger, while her her fingers shakily unclasp the pendant. It slides from her neck, clattering onto the island but it's background noise to.

Tears trail down her cheeks as she looks between the two women a small but really smile resting on her lips. "I-I can see you," she whimpers before sobs wrack her being.

Scarlet cheers softly, before circling the counter and pulls her into a hug; which she returns with relief and wonder.

Regina hears shuffling before Willow joins the hug, seemingly relieved herself but still somewhat tense. They pull apart after a few minutes, full of laughs and tear but no words are spoken.

"We can talk about this matter another time, just...be careful," Willow murmurs and Regina hums with a small reply.

Not long after, they're in the living talking and laughing like they had done when they were younger. Regina looks between the two as Scarlet loud, echoing laughter bounces off the walls. While Willow snorts trying to stop herself from bursting into a lot of giggles.

Different thoughts swim through her mind, but she hopes that the time she spends with her family will be everlasting.

She's snap back to reality by Scarlet's retelling of her 10th grade crush and how'd she confessed.

Regina frowns, feeling eyes burning into her but she knows it is only her and the other two.

Choosing to ignore it for now at least.

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