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i got up from the couch as there was a knock on my door. i walked over to it, and i opened it.

"hey," billie greeted with a smile.

"hi," i smiled as well as i brought her into a hug. when i pulled back, i gestured inside. "here, come in."

she stepped into my apartment, and i shut the door. bruno and juno both ran over to her; both of them were excited to meet someone new. she gasped, and her entire face lit up as she bent down to pet them.

"hi, pretty babies!" she cooed cutely in a baby-ish voice. "hi!"

i couldn't help but smile as i watched the interaction. it was honestly adorable; i can't deny that.

once the three had gotten well acquainted with each other, i led billie over to sit on the couch with me. as i sat down, bruno tried to lay in my lap, even though he knows he's way to big to be doing all of that. juno snuggled up with billie, who happily began to run her hand through juno's fur.

"tell me about yourself," i requested. "what's your story?"

"uh... let's see," she hummed. "i was born and raised in highland park. i have an older brother, finneas. he's seriously my best friend. i have two lil' pooch doggies, pepper and shark."

she leaned back against the couch as she continued to talk and pet juno.

"i had a pretty good childhood; i can't really complain about it. growing up, i've always loved music. i've been surrounded by it my whole life, and it's played a big part in who i am now. me and finneas write songs; mostly for other artists that pay us to write for them, but we write a few of our own songs too."

"i used to dance when i was younger, but i had to quit due to an injury. i have not danced since," she pursed her lips. "i think that pretty much sums up my story."

"i'm sorry about you having to quit dancing," i sympathized. "do you really write songs for artists and shit though?"

"yeah," she nodded. "it's pretty cool, and it pays well too."

"that's sick. and you also write your own songs? you gotta show me some of them one day," i requested.

"i might," she flashed a smile. "what about you? what's your story?"

"i was born and raised in los angeles too, as i've told you before," i started to tell her. "i'm an only child, but my best friend, west, might as well be my brother. we've been really close since we met."

"my childhood was alright; not the best, but not the worst either. my parents are really religious, and they forced me to go to church with them when i was younger, even though i didn't pay attention."

"when i was fifteen, i figured out that i like women. i started dating this girl when i was in my sophomore year of high school, and we dated for a bit. one day, my mom caught us in my room just kissing and shit. since my parents think that being being gay is 'wrong and sinful,' they kicked me out."

"that's terrible," she frowned. "i'm sorry about that."

"it's whatever," i waved her off with a shrug. "i moved in with west and his parents after i got kicked out. i lived with them until after west graduated. pretty much right after he graduated, we moved into a house together. i only just moved out into this apartment a few months ago."

"things have honestly been great since i got kicked out. my grandparents on my mom's side still love me, and i still talk to them pretty often. i've got a good job, which i get to work from home with, and i'm living on my own now. life is good," i gave a small nod.

"well, i'm glad things are better," she smiled softly. "fuck your parents though, seriously."

i let out a loud laugh. "it's fine, really. i don't care anymore; i'm over it."

"you are?" she tilted her head.

"yeah; it happened four years ago. i'm over it," i reassured. "thank you for making sure though."

"of course," she nodded. "if you ever want to talk about it, you can hit me up. i'll listen anytime you need me to."

i couldn't help but pout a little bit. "that's really sweet, wow. thank you, again. seriously."

"it's no problem," she smiled.

i smiled too as i looked down at my lap, where bruno was resting his head. i could feel my cheeks burn with a blush as i threaded my fingers through his fur.

"uh, are you hungry?" i asked to change the subjects.

"yeah, i could go for some food," she answered.

i stood up, and i offered my hand to her. "do you like taco bell?"

"yes. i love taco bell," she nodded. she didn't hesitate to place her hand in mine.

i gently pulled her off of the couch. "okay, bet. let's go then."

i pulled her towards the door, where i grabbed my keys. i slipped on a pair of shoes, and we exited my apartment.

"what do you get at taco bell?" i quizzed as i opened the passenger car door for her.

"i just get some bean burritos," she shrugged. "what do you get?"

"doritos locos tacos," i grinned. "and cinnabon delights. they're good as fuck."

"they are," she agreed.


billie let out a giggle, and she shook her head as i threw up a cinnabon delight and caught it in my mouth. once i finished chewing it, i flashed a smile.

i took a sip of my drink. i then crossed my arms over the table, and i leaned closer to billie. she smiled, though the longer i scanned over her face, the more her cheeks began to flush.

"what?" she gave a small chuckle.

"nothing. you're just pretty, that's all," i complimented sweetly.

her cheeks flushed brighter. she glanced to the side to avoid my eyes. "thank you," she murmured.

"of course," i smiled. "we gotta start hanging out more; you're pretty cool."

"for sure," she agreed with a nod. "you're pretty cool too... i guess," she teased.

my jaw dropped in faux offense. "hey, i'm i'm cool as hell, don't lie!"


a/n ayooo


any predictions?


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