chapter 1: How Chuck and Hannah meet and first day of FBI Training

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Hannah was trying to find her to class. She was training to Be a FBI agent and she was worried about being late to Class. Quantico was a very big city. She was entering the classroom and she  signed in Relief that she was only thirteen minutes early and the only one classmate there Was Chuck Russink. She saw the professor waiting for her to sit down. She sat next to Chuck and waited for class to begin.

Hannah said " Hello My name is Hannah Wells. What's your name? It's nice to meet you.

Chuck Russink was a very Shy person and didn't know what to say or do a lot of the time. He rarely ever talked anything else except school and how he wants to help people. She wanted to get to know him more  because they were going to work together at some point in the future.

Chuck Russink said " Hello My name is Chuck Russink and it's nice to meet you too. We are the only ones here at the moment. I have to tell you something personal. I have social anxiety and I take medicine for it so please don't judge me for being a bit shy.

Hannah said " Don't worry, I won't judge you  for something you have no control over. Want to be friends with me?

Chuck said " I would love to be friends with you Hannah. When can we hang out? I want to hang out with you soon.

Hannah said " How about Friday? I am kind of wanting to go bowling with you? do you want to go bowling with me?

Chuck said " I would love to go bowling with you Hannah. I am excited to hang out with you this Friday. Hopefully my twin sister Ella will be able to stay home with my little sister and little brother who are Twins and their names are Camryn and Callen. Do you want to come over to our house after bowling?

Hannah said " Sure. Mind if I bring my siblings too? My twin's brother make is Anthony and  my little brother's name is Marcus and my little sister's name is Audrey.

Chuck said " Sure my little siblings will love having new friends come over and my twin sister Ella will be Able to make Friends with Anthony. We should stop talking before we get in trouble and class is going to start any minute.

Hannah said " you're right. I'm excited for class to begin. Are you Excited for class to begin?

Chuck Russink said " I am excited for class to begin as well and Nervous about failing the class.

Hannah Wells said "  don't worry, I will help you pass the class Chuck Russink.

Chuck Russink said " Thank you Hannah Wells.

The professor said " Allright Let's take role call. Jason and Alina Atwood

Jason said " Here Professor.

Alina said " Here professor.

The professor  said" John and Jenny foerstel.

John said " Here professor.

Jenny said " Here professor.

The professor said " Chuck and Ella Russink.

Chunk said " Here professor.

Ella said "Here professor.

The professor said " Hannah and Anthony Wells.

Hannah said " Here professor.

Anthony said " Here professor.

The professor said " my name is Jemima Jones and I will be your professor for this class. Today we will be learning how to conduct surveillance and you be put into groups of four. Here are your groups.

Group 1 : Jason Atwood, Jenny foerstel, Anthony Wells and Ella Russink.

Group 2 : Malkin Hopkins, Jenna Hopkins, Sharon Howard and Josh Lee.

Group 3: Alison Hopkins, Serena Hopkins, Eli Howard and David Lee.

Group 4 : Chuck Russink, Hannah Wells, Alina Atwood and John Foerstel.

The rest of Class was spent talking about how to stay safe when conducting surveillance.

The professor said " Allright Class dismissed.

All of the adult students gathered their things and left the class. Hannah Wells and Chuck Russink were the only ones left along with Alina Atwood and John Foerstel.

Chuck Russink and Hannah Wells left after John Foerstel and Alina Atwood left Class.

End of the chapter!! What did you guys think of this chapter? I don't know how to write this Story so I am trying my best to represent the Character's personality.

See you guys next chapter!!!! Alison, Serena and Jenna jones are triplets

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