chapter 3 : Fighting with Builles and Alina Atwood says something.

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Hannah Wells and Chuck Russink are sitting in their assigned seats when Serena and her sister Jenna Hopkins approached them and said " Hi there Chuck and Hannah, where are your friends, oh wait you don't have any friends. She started laughing at them and chunk was sad and Hannah tried to cheer him up. Alina Atwood and Alison Hopkins walked over to their friends table.

Alina Atwood said " Yes they do have friends and one of them is me. So leave them alone.

Alison Hopkins said " Leave them alone Serena and Jenna. Ally,our younger sister is on her way to visit Us along with our mom and Dad. Why are you so rude to him all of the time? What did he do to make you and Serena dislike him so much? You both are jerks. I would rather be with Them that you two because they are Really kind people.

Jenna Pushes Alison to the ground and left. Serena Left to Find Jenna and make sure she was going to be Allright but not before she glared at Alison in Hate for hurting her and she then left to Find Jenna, her big sister.

Malkin Helped Alison up and Glared at his big sister Serena's retreating Form and also Hugged Alison in comfort at what happened this morning and said"they both are Jerks!

Alison said " I know they are jerks And I am so sorry that you all had to witness that OK?

Malkin said " They both are Always Like this at home, so what's the difference here?

Alison said " they are not suppose to do it all of the time and especially Here friends!

Hannah said " Don't worry about it. We will make sure to not Mention this to anyone.

Hannah grabbed Chunk's hand and led him to their assigned table With John Foerstell and Alina Atwood. They four of them began talking about plan for Friday after classes.

Alina said " I am going to watch my favorite movie on Friday the Nightmare before Christmas.

John said " I am going to go hang out with Jenny and go to the bookstore on Friday.

Hannah said " Me and my best friend Chunk are going to be going bowling on Friday.

They all talked in class before the day ended and also ended Inviting Malkin, Alison and Alina Atwood to join their group of friends.

But the day was ruined when Serena and Jenna Jones approached their table again.

Malkin stood protectively in front of Alison and glared at Serena said Jenna once again.

Serena Punched Malkin in the stomach and he fell down to his knees and Alison glared at them and Finally said " Please Leave us alone and we will leave you alone.

Jenna said " Fine by me. Let's go Serena. We don't need these losers anymore anyway.

Both Serena and Jenna left their table again.

The bell Rang and All of the students left and Headed home to get ready for the next day ahead of them.

End of the chapter! What did you guys think of this chapter?

Next chapter will be the Weekend and the two of them are going bowling together.

I really appreciate you guys reading this story and I hope you continue to enjoy it.

See you guys next chapter soon. Goodbye.

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