chapter 2 : Bullies , making new friends and Second Day of FBI Training

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Chunk was sitting at his desk waiting for his  Best friend Hannah Wells and minding his own business when two girls came up to him.

Chunk looked up at who was approaching him and Hid a eye roll. It was Serena Maria Jones and one of Her Triplet Sisters  Jenna Mia Hopkins. He went to school with them and a another girl named Sharon Howard who all Went to school with Him. Alison Jamie Hopkins was sitting a couple of seats away reading a book. She had looked up to see who was approaching her first friend Chuck and when she saw who was approaching Chuck, She put her Book away and Texted Her other  friends to Hurry up and get in class.

Hannah came in and said " Hey Chunk how are you?

Chunk said " I am great.  how about you ?

Hannah said " I am great.

Serena made her over to Chuck and Hannah and said " well well , look who it is. The biggest loser in the school training to Be a FBI agent. What are you, his girlfriend? one thing that you should is that he was a loser in high school along with My Triplet Sister Alison Hopkins and my little brother Malkin Hopkins. Malkin Hopkins was their Younger Brother and the youngest boy  in his  family.

Hannah said " I don't care if he is a loser because he is my best friend and you need to leave him and Alison Alone? Understand?

Serena said " Whatever. See you losers in class. Come on Jenna, let's leave these losers alone for Right now anyway. She pushed Chuck Russink down and left for her seat.

Hannah helped Chuck up and they went to sit next to each other when the professor walked in and saw them sitting together.

He said " Class is starting, so everyone come take your seats right now. Now let's go to the  gun Range and practice with the guns.

Chunk Thought " oh no I am really horrible at this part of the class. Why did it have to be today?                                                            Here are the four groups for the rest of the year:
Group 1 : Jason Atwood, Jenny foerstel, Anthony Wells and Ella Russink.

Group 2 : Malkin Hopkins, Jenna Hopkins, Sharon Howard and Josh Lee.

Group 3: Alison Hopkins ,Serena Hopkins, Eli Howard and David Lee.

Group 4 : Chuck Russink, Hannah Wells, Alina Atwood and John Foerstel.

Professor Jones said " Everybody clear on the groups?

They all said " Sir Yes Sir. We understand sir.
                                                                                10 :00 am At the gun shooting Range.

Hannah was standing between Chuck Russink and John Foerstel with Alina Marie  Atwood on John's left side. Alison Jamie Hopkins was standing on chunks left side with her group. Malkin was standing next to her and he looked annoyed at being in Jenna's group. Alison was annoyed that Serena was in her group because all she did was try to  complain about not being in Jenna's group.

Serena was standing next to Jenna and was having a great time talking to her Sister.

Professor Jones said " I will draw a name from the hat and They will go first. It will be the same for all of you guys. 

He drew the first name and it was Alina Atwood who walked up to the professor and was handed a gun and she shot the Target practice three times in perfect sync.

all of the other groups have gone up and Hitted the target three times in perfect sync as well.

They were 2 people Left Hannah Wells and her best friend Chuck Russink.

Hannah went first and then Chuck went after Her and He hit all of the Targets three times.

Professor Jones said " Everybody, you all did a great job of learning how to use a gun. Everyone, you are dismissed from class now.

Everyone left the classroom and headed home including Chuck and Ella Russink, Hannah and Anthony Wells, Alina and Jason  Atwood, the Hopkins Triplets and John and Jenny Foerstel.

End of the chapter!!! What is going to happen Next chapter? Will Serena ever be able to fix things with Her Other sister Alison Jones or will she will not be to fix things with her?

Find out in the Next chapter next week!

I  appreciate you guys reading this story and I hope you guys continue to enjoy it.

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