chapter 4 : Bowling and Movie night and John asks Ella to be his girlfriend

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    The FBI academy at 8: 30, 1 hour before class starts on Thursday.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Alina was sitting with John Foerstel, Chunk Russink, and Hannah Wells. the 4 of them started becoming good friends and started a group chat, talking about what they like and dislikes too.                                                                                                                                                                                                          their siblings Jason Atwood, Jenny foerstel, Anthony Wells and Ella Russink were also in class. the 4 of them started becoming good friends and started a group chat, talking about what their like and dislikes. the next group that came into the classroom were Alison Hopkins ,Serena Hopkins, Eli Howard and David Lee, who sat in their assigned seats waiting, finally the last group arrived who were Malkin Hopkins, Jenna Hopkins, Sharon Howard and Josh Lee, who sat in their assigned seats and their professor still hadn't arrived, he was most likely running late today.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  John then walked over to Ella and asked," Ella, would  you like to go on a date with me tonight and become my girlfriend? I really like you, I have liked you since the day you and I first met.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ella  said," Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend and go on a date with you tonight.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    John and Ella talked about  going to see a movie after class and Chunk said he would Callen and Camryn while she went out on her date and Ella hugged her little brother and said thank you.                                                                                                                                                                                              their professor arrived into the classroom and class started, they sat in their assigned groups.                                                                                                                                                                                                              they went to the shooting Range and practice shooting the targets, Ella and John scoring first.                                                                                                                                                                                                               the Class ended and they all headed to their houses and did for a little bit of homework.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Ella then changed into a pink knee-length dress with a Pink sweater and a pair of Pink flats.    her hair was curled, she grabbed her purse and Chunk sat down with Camryn in his arms and Callen was in his baby blanket, all swaddled up, He is now sleeping and Camryn was sleeping.                                                                                                                                                                                                           at the movie theater                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  John was waiting for his girlfriend to show up, He saw Ella arriving, looking beautiful in her dress and he opened the door for her and she said," Thank you John, for opening the door for me. John said," You're welcome, Ella. they head inside and John paid for both movie tickets and got them snacks, like pretzel and popcorn for both of and they got drinks too, and headed to the theater where the movie is playing soon, they sit down and the commercials began right away.                                                                                                                                                                                                             The movie then started and John held Ella's hand and she laid her head on his shoulder.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The movie then ended and they headed to diner to get some dinner and they fun together.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       John and Ella then headed home, get showers and head to bed. Chunk gives the twins a bath and dresses them in Pajamas and puts a clean diaper on them and then puts them to bed. he then gets a shower, brushes his teeth and puts on Pajamas and then heads to bed, very tired.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Chuck's house at 6: 30 am on Friday

 Camryn and Callen are twins who loved their older brother Chunk a lot and same with older sister Ella, Camryn and Callen are only newborns and they didn't want their siblings to leave them. Camryn, especially because she was attached to Chunk and she would start crying when he left, which was right now as Chunk was getting ready for class, Camryn started Crying.

Chunk held Camryn just as his older twin sister Ella Russink came downstair, wearing a red button-up shirt with black slacks and black slip-ons  and puts on her black Jacket on as well.

Ella said," Here, let me take her so you can get dressed for class and that way we are not late.

Chunk said," Thank you big sister. can you please feed Callen and Camryn their baby milk?

Ella said," Sure. Now hurry up and get your butt dressed otherwise, we will be late to class. 

Chunk nodded, handed his little sister Camryn to Ella and headed upstairs to get dressed.

He puts on a green button-up shirt with black slacks and green slip-ons and puts on his light blue sweater and then heads downstairs to help feed Camryn and Callen their baby milk and the twins eat their breakfast and Chunk carried his siblings to the car, buckled them up and they drive their siblings to daycare and Chunk drives them to class and they head inside to sit down.

Ella was sitting by her newly-turned boyfriend John Foerstel and laid her head on his shoulder, which caused him to turn around and he wraps an arm around her waist, happy to be with Ella.

Hannah and Cuck sat together with Jason Atwood and Jenny Foerstel who are holding hands.

The professor arrived and everyone sat down in their groups and began to pay attention to him.

Professor Jemima Jones said," today, we will be doing a review on what we learned this week.

the entire class nodded and he handed the class their tests and they started the tests right away.

The entire class finished in less then 25 minutes and gave their tests to their teacher, who nods.

The class ended and everyone headed home for the day and Hannah headed home to get changed into casual clothes for her date night with Chunk or hang out, whatever it was called. 

she wore a dark green sweater with blue jeans, dark green boots and her hair was in a ponytail.

Ella offered to watch their newborn baby siblings, Camryn and Callen and Chunk was thankful.

Chunk got into his car and drove to Hannah's house to pick her up only to see her struggling with Audrey and Marcus, who are newborn Twin baby siblings and then her twin Brother Anthony comes and takes the newborn Twin baby siblings out of her arms and she headed to his car.

he arrived at the Bowling alley and they paid for the shoes and headed to their lane, and picked 2 bowling balls and started bowling. They order some soda to drink and Nachos to snack on.

Once they were finished bowling, they returned their bowling shoes and headed back to Hannah's house to watch two movies before they called it a night and Chunk headed home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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