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It was 5:30am when my alarm ring loud and clear through my dreams. Groggy I lifted my hand to turn off the alarm. I sat up rubbing my eyes feeling like today might be a good day to treat myself and really enjoy a good ol self care day. I stretched an looked towards the closet, with a heavy sigh I got up to find a cozy outfit for the day. When I finished getting dressed it was almost 7 an I realized Danni was not at home. I reached for my phone to dial her... it rang twice then went straight to voicemail. I figured she probably was in a meeting at work so I put my phone back down and finished getting ready. By the time I made it to the kitchen she still hadn't even texted me back "what is she doing" I thought as I poured my smoothie with this weird feeling in my stomach that I just couldn't explain. It was like I just couldn't stop checking my phone. By the time I was ready to hit the road it was 8 and still nothing! So I rang her one last time thinking "if she doesn't at least text me back I promise I'm going to loose it" I tapped the side of the phone as I waited for her to pick up. A groggy voice answered "hello..." I looked at my phone to make sure I dialed the right number "Hello!?" I said loudly into the phone "hey baby I'm sorry I'm in a meeting I'll hit you back in a bit I'm tryna whisper but I see this was the third time you called everything ok?" My face calmed an my body relaxed "oh babe yes you scared me I thought someone else answered your phone for a second there.. no everything is fine I just was worrying for no reason" I sat in the car as we wrapped up our goodbyes "ok it's a me day so you know imma be all beauty by the time I get back home... hah later baby" I hung up and began my day but the feeling I just couldn't seem to shake an the back of my mind kept questioning "nah what was that" I shook it off as best I could and pulled off.

Glutinous Greed {Watty's 2022}Where stories live. Discover now