How it all began

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Voldemort stalks through Godric’s Hollow on Halloween night, angry and frightened of a child. It is not just any child, but one that is a threat to his plans and way of life. He approaches the potters’ house quite easily and sees the potters through the window of their house. Neither James nor Lily Potter was holding a wand or was aware of their presence.

The defenseless James went down quickly to Voldemort’s killing curse. When Lily saw this, she dashed upstairs to where her baby was sleeping and blocked the cot with her body.

Voldemort expects Lily to stand aside whilst he kills the baby, but she does not. Instead, she tries to shield her baby with her body and begs to be killed in his place. Voldemort asked her to move aside as he promised Severus not to kill her. The third time, he realised that she wouldn't move. He aimed his wand at her and killed her. He carefully lifted his wand aimed at the babe's face.

When he was about to deliver the curse, time froze around him and a ghost appeared and said,

"Hello Tom."

"Who are you?" 

"Who I am isn't important at the moment" the ghost said, looking around before forcing its gaze on Voldemort.

"However, the important thing is, how can a man as smart as you be so bloody stupid and blind, but than again all that's the affect of making so many Horcruxes. "

"How dare you insult me like this, I am the great Voldemort" he said with an air of great arrogance

"Whatever you say Tom"

"Do not call me by that lowly name" he growled at the ghost, getting angrier by the second.

"Don't you find this whole situation odd? the meeting location? How easy was it to gather that piece of information? How unguarded and defenseless were the potters? Don't you find any of this strange?"


"Does none of this scream suspicious to you, not even one bit?"


"Really, Tom, you're literally playing in a match you don't even know you're part of."

"What do you want me to do? Let the kid live, he's a threat to my existence." He growled at the ghost

"Bloody hell Tom, he's a fucking baby."

"Are you going to feel proud of yourself after murdering a literally defenceless baby?"

"For fucksake, Tom, open your bloody eyes and see the big fucking picture"

"....................... fuck, I nearly killed a baby" gradually, the weight of the world and everything fell on his shoulders.

"Finally, welcome back Tom!"

"I almost killed a defenseless baby. Where did my pride and morals go to get me to sunk down so low?" he said, dropping his wand and taking a step back from the cot. The ghost just stared in amusement as Volde-tom started questioning everything that was going on.

"This, my dear, is what happens when you split your soul to the last drop. You're less than 2 percent if your original soul,, You've got rid of all your common sense, feelings, and empathy. Since you've somehow managed to get some of your sanity back even if it's a tiny bit, I'll reattach your soul back. "

"at what cost?"

"What if I'm doing it just cause with no price tag?"

"Ha, you couldn't fool me, nothing in this world doesn't come without a price"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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