School, Partial Backstory

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The school bell rang, but I hadn't noticed. My hood was draped over my face, my eyes fixed on the lines created by my pencil. I looked up to see Mrs. Woods kneeling beside my desk, "Bailey, dear, you need to go. School's over." She said. I nodded and pushed myself up from my desk. Placing my notebook in my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

It was raining. Great. Just my luck. I let out a sigh and shoved my hands into my pockets. The puddles formed as the rain hit the ground, the damp smell in the air, the cool breeze... Everything I loved about this place. There was just something... Familiar... I couldn't pinpoint where exactly, but it felt like I'd been here– in this exact time– before. Like I had been raised here in a past life; I don't know...

That sounded stupid. Why am I writing this down?

Turning the lock, I opened my front door and immediately flopped down onto the couch. I don't understand why my mind has full control over when I look human. I'm dead. I'm possessing an animatronic... I shouldn't be able to do this! This isn't right... It just... Shouldn't be this way.

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