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Cereza observe the gate before them

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Cereza observe the gate before them. She could sense the demon-warding spell that was cast upon it. She glances pass the gate to see a miraculous garden. She couldn't help but smile at the colorful place. She enters the garden making sure Ace doesn't touch the gate.

She makes her way towards the occupied girl who was smiling fondly at a single pansy flower. The blonde who was kneeling on the ground with the flower cupped in her palms. The girl was muttering something under her breath.

Cereza's eyes narrowed at this little action. She was now quietly standing behind the girl. She bends down to face the blonde. She was still standing she only bent her upper body.

"Hello there Tiny Moriyama" Shiemi shrieks and on instinct she jump backwards. Her back hits Cereza's legs.

Cereza chuckles at the girl's frantic reaction. "I'm here to check your legs little lady" Shiemi just stares at Cereza who was still towering over her.

"W-Who are you?" She holds the flower close to her chest not minding the dirt getting on her. Cereza and Ace let out a low "tch" simultaneously.

"I'm Cereza and this is Ace" she gestures to Ace on her hip. Shiemi looks at the doll strangely but quickly looks back at the taller female."You're Tiny Moriyama" she pokes Shiemi's chest.

"Now can I please see the condition of your legs. I need to assess the damage if there's any" she mumbles the last part. She stands straight and kneels in front of the blonde.

"Are you a doctor? You look so young" Shiemi asks as she place her body in a long sitting position.

"Technically no but I know a thing or two about medicine. Now tell me Shiemi what are you capable of doing?" She raised her kimmo up to her knees so Cereza could examine her legs.

Seeing the roots implant into her legs Cereza's face turned serious. She think she has a general idea of what she's dealing with. Her eyes widen as she felt a great demonic presence.

"Well" Shiemi didn't get the chance to answer when the sound of the gate door startling her. She waste no time and got behind Cereza who already had her gun aimed right at Rin.

"D-Don't shoot" he waves his hands frantically in front of him. "I didn't do anything. It totally broke on it's own" Cereza rolls her eyes but didn't put her gun down.

"Y-You're a demon. That gate has a spell on it" Rin starts panicking now that he was caught red handed. The girl couldn't help but laugh at his reaction. The blonde on the other hand didn't think any of this was funny.

"Get away you demon" The terrified blonde backs away. That seem to bring up some unwanted memories for Rin.

"WATCH WHO YOU CALLING A DEMON! DONT JUMP TO CONCLUSION IM NOT A DEMON" he stomps in their direction seemingly forgetting the gun that was directed at him.

"Don't come near me" she tries to crawl away but landed on her face. She attempts to crawl away again but ended with the same results. Cereza looks at her with a serious expression.

"I think the point of getting away is actually getting away but that's just me" she shrugs with an unimpressed look. "Well I see how much you're capable of. I'll be back try not to go anywhere" she walks out of the garden not giving the spawn of Satan a single glance. Once she was out the garden she unhooks Ace.

"It's a Dekalp isn't it?" Ace nods his plush head.

"And it's seem to be feeding off her soul slowly. It must made way to her through the soil of her garden. It's nothing big just a low-level demon who only can possess grass and flower" Ace just shrugs indifferent about the whole thing.

"Do you think she was talking to that dekalp just before we arrived?"

"No doubt unless she's crazy or something" Cereza roll her eyes and unzips Ace's back. He shuddered at the feeling. She got out some bullets for this occasion.

"What did I tell you about doing that without warning you idjit" he squirms as she zips him back up.

"It's not my fault you're inhabiting the thing my pocket dimension is hidden within dumbass" she hook him back onto her hip belt. She grabbed her gun and replaced the bullets with the pesticide and holy water shells.

"DO YOU THINK  HAVE A CHOICE?! IM BOUND TO THIS THING"She just hushed him and walk back into garden.

"Let's just get this over with"

"Let's just get this over with"

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